Animals Found in the Catskill Mountains
- A view of the Catskill Mountainscatskill mountains from vermont image by Jorge Moro from
The Catskill Mountains are located in New York, northwest of New York City and southwest of Albany. This section of the Allegheny Plateau consists of mountainous areas and forests. Rather than an actual mountain range, the Catskills are actually a dissected plateau that has eroded into sharp peaks. The Catskill Mountains are alive with many different types of wildlife. - Black bears can be found in the Catskill bear image by isatori from
Be aware that American Black Bears are abundant in the Catskill Mountains. A male black bear averages around 300 pounds, but can sometimes grow as large as 750 pounds. Black bears are omnivores, so they eat both meat and vegetation. They commonly eat things like berries, seeds, nuts, insects, birds, fish and small animals. When it is available, black bears will also eat garbage, pet food and bird seed. Black bears generally try to stay away from humans and prefer living in the dense forests. They use dens and caves to hibernate in throughout the winter. - Bobcats typically hide in caves and dens.bobcat spring image by Kolett from
Keep an eye out for the elusive bobcat, which roams the region. They spend most of their time hiding, though their tracks can be easily seen. These animals are most often spotted at dawn and dusk, when they are the most active. Bobcats are carnivorous animals, favoring foods like rabbits, rodents, birds and even deer. They frequent hiding areas like caves and rock ledges. The population of bobcats was almost erased in the 1800s when hunting them was popular. Now the population has grown back to a moderate amount. - Decide whether cougars still exist in the Catskills. Cougars, also called mountain lions, pumas or panthers, were also hunted to extinction in the 1800s. The males of the species are usually around 130 pounds and they are significantly larger than bobcats. Mountain lions mostly hunt deer, but they are also known to prey on farm animals, bobcats, and small game like raccoons and rabbits. There is some controversy today over whether mountain lions still exist in the Catskills. Some people claim to have seen them recently.
- Coyotes can be spotted in the Catskills.coyote image by BigDog from
Listen for coyotes howling in the night. Coyotes are abundant in many regions of the Catskill Mountains. They typically stay in mountains and valleys. This is because they usually chase their prey to cliff ledges and mountains tops so that they cannot escape; then they kill them. Coyotes average around 40 pounds but can grow up to 65 pounds occasionally. Coyotes have the unique ability to move to different areas, within 100 miles. This gives them the ability to adapt to changes in their habitat. In the early 1900s, the coyote population was threatened by wolves. However, the wolves were eventually hunted to extinction, allowing the coyote population to bounce back. - Watch where you step, because the Catskills host two types of poisonous snakes: the Timber Rattlesnake and the Copperhead. The rattlesnake is identified by its triangle-shaped head and the distinctive rattle on its tail. They come in black, yellow and tan varieties. Timber Rattlesnakes usually grow to be 3 to 4 feet long and can live for up to 30 years.