Pets & Animal Horses

Tips for Horse Arthritis Treatment and Prevention

Arthritis is a common issue when it comes to horses.
This might sound surprising to some, but the fact that a horse has joints means it is susceptible to the illness.
This is why a lot of enthusiasts have flocked online wanting to know the symptoms as well as the best horse arthritis treatment available.
Before you proceed into fixing the problem, however, it is imperative that you first make sure that there is a problem in the first place.
One way you can tell if your horse is suffering from arthritis is observing its movement.
Since arthritis is a disease that comes from the cartilage between joints wearing away, the most common part of the body it affects is the knee joints.
This means you need to check if your horse is favouring its knees as well as watch out for signs of swelling or stiffness in the mentioned joints.
If you've established that your horse has arthritis, you then need to decide what course of treatment you want to take.
One common horse arthritis treatment is exercise.
This will help your horse improve its muscle strength as well as its cartilage and joints.
Another treatment you can consider is medication.
A combination of hyaluronic acid and a corticosteroid can help lessen the swelling of the horse's joints as well as delay additional deterioration.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are also good options.
When you decide to go with medication, there will be a need for your horse to take a rest for as short as a week to as long as a few months.
The length of time needed for the animal's rest, the diagnosis of its illness, as well as the appropriate treatment should be decided by an equine veterinarian.
As usual, however, the best cure is prevention, and if you're wondering what the best preventive measures are when it comes to horse arthritis, the answer is pretty much the same as with a lot of other illnesses: good diet and exercise.
Make sure your horse gets enough workout as this will ensure his bones and joints stay strong.
Also invest on health supplements, especially ones that focus on strengthening the joints.
You can find different options on different websites, but the best option is still consulting with your veterinarian as you don't want to pick out a supplement online that will turn out to be harmful for your horse.
Arthritis in horses is a serious problem, but not one without a solution.
Having your horse checked out and treated by an equine veterinarian is a step in the right direction.
Make sure you help out as well by making sure your horse gets the exercise it needs as well as the right food and the supplements necessary.
It might not seem like much but taking some preventive measures to help delay the disease can make a huge difference in the health of your beloved horse.
It will also be more cost effective in the long run compared to supporting an expensive horse arthritis treatment.

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