Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Liposuction: What Is The Purpose?

A good number of people have unclear views about what liposuction is designed to accomplish.
The uneducated and uninitiated tend to think it is some kind of shortcut to being skinny.
Don't want to diet and exercise? Just go get the fat sucked out of you, instead! Of course, those in the know realize that it isn't quite like that.
While the procedure can make a dramatic difference in your appearance, it can't take an obese person and make them skinny.
It isn't designed to.
So what is it designed to do? Let's take a look.
Most plastic surgeons will agree that liposuction is best used by someone who has achieved all they can through diet and exercise.
They have attained their goal weight, but they still have pockets of fat that simply won't go away.
This is more common than you may realize and the reason for this is simple: diet and exercise don't get rid of fat cells.
In fact, once a fat cell is "born", it will remain there forever, only able to shrink or grow in size.
Well, a fat cell even at its smallest is still there.
And if there are enough of them, all the shrinking in the world won't stop them from preventing you from having that ultra flat stomach you wanted or that smooth, curvy buttocks you had in college.
This is where lipo comes to the rescue.
Liposuction is not designed as a shortcut to major weight loss.
Such shortcuts do exist.
Procedures such as gastric bypass can prevent a person from eating as much as they would like and put them on the fast track to weight loss.
But even those procedures are only typically approved for people who are morbidly obese and risk major health problems if they don't lose weight.
You will generally lose no more than a few pounds in a lipo session.
It isn't designed to take out tons of fat.
It is designed to remove small pockets of adipose tissue from specific areas.
Liposuction serves other purposes as well.
It is a common treatment for gynecomastia, the growth of breast tissue in a man.
This can happen as a result of genetics, hormones, or the introduction of anabolic steroids.
A surgeon can remove the fatty tissue around the nipple using the same techniques he would on someone wanting smoother upper arms or a tighter waistline.
If you're interested in having liposuction performed, find a good plastic surgeon near you and set up a consultation to see if you would make a good candidate.

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