Plans to Build a Camp Kitchen
- 1). Choose your grub box. It can be a wooden box with a hinged lid or a plastic container with a lid. It doesn't matter what your grub box looks like, as long as it is large enough to hold everything and is easy to carry.
- 2). Pack your dishes. You will need one plate, bowl and cup for each member of your family who will be going camping.
- 3). Store your silverware. You will need one knife, fork and spoon for each camper.
- 4). Gather your pots and pans. At the bare minimum you need one large pot to cook in and one frying pan.
- 5). Remember the utensils. Take a spatula for flipping burgers, a pair of tongs, a manual can opener and a soup ladle.
- 6). Bring aluminum foil and plastic wrap. They come in handy at the campsite and save you a lot of cleanup time.
- 7). Take along some cleanup supplies. Pack some dishwashing soap and a rack where you can leave the wet dishes to dry. Don't forget trash bags, since you have to remove all of your trash from the campsite when you leave.