Remodeling Without Work Permit: Dean Explains How It Will Affect Your Investment
There are probably 80% - 90% people who admit that they do not get permit for doing changes to their house. There are various reasons why people choose not to get permit for their houses. However, most of them are caught; as a result, they face severe penalties in some cases, and mild penalties in others. The penalties vary from city to city and from state to state.
Dean Graziosi explains how it puts disastrous effects on worth of the property. He says that there are some clients who prefer not to buy such properties that are remodeled without any permit. The reasons why clients are hesitant to buy such houses are the legal issues associated with such properties. Dean says mostly clients who purchase such houses have to face some issues regarding remodeling done without permit.
Dean Graziosi is an expert on dealing with real estate issues. He is a successful entrepreneur and a real estate millionaire. He has more than two decades of experience with real estate business. He conducts seminars on the subject and runs infomercial series on local TV channels. Anyone living in United States and interested in real estate will immediately build a sense of respects and awe for this real estate genius.
Why People Avoid Getting Permit:
There are various reasons why people avoid getting permit for remodeling of houses. Number one reason is fees associated with permit. The fee structure varies with city to city and state to state. Mostly the fee is not so high, but the people are frightened of local inspectors. There are some additional and possibly unreasonable requirements with the remodeling permits. There are city codes, again varying from state to state. For example if you want to renovate kitchen, your city code might order you to remove stove and do some other renovations as well.
Another reason is inspectors, no two inspectors will show you same attitude. If one officer said to alter one thing, the second will order you to do two more amendments.
Another possible reason is that people think that they will not be caught. Homeowners are of the opinion that they have bought the house just for investment purpose and they will sale it way before it is reported to the related authorities.
Why You Should Go For Remodeling Permit:
Although the procedure is a bit lengthy, time consuming and might causes a hundred dollars more on the deal, but it is safe and essential for your property. If you think that you can get away with the entire remodeling and won't be caught, think again. Sources can report against you, for example, your neighbor can report remodeling of your house.
According to Dean, there are several reasons why you must obtain a work permit before starting remodeling process:
To Get 100% Accurate Work:
When you a hire a contractor, he will give you three ways of doing work. However, it is not necessary that all three ways are correct ways of doing your work. A house that is remodeled must have permit in order to get 100% accurate work.
To Avoid Penalties:
There are chances you might get away with remodeling without permit. But you cannot avoid future penalties. Worth of your property can fall down. In most of the cases, sum of penalties is more than the fee of getting permit.
In Order To Avoid Tear off:
In most of the cases, if you are caught with a remodeling without permit, government authorities will order you to tear the remodeled part out of the house.
To Get Your House Insured:
In most cases, you will not get your house insured. Insurance companies are always hesitant to insure such houses that are remodeled without any permit.
Dean Graziosi explains how it puts disastrous effects on worth of the property. He says that there are some clients who prefer not to buy such properties that are remodeled without any permit. The reasons why clients are hesitant to buy such houses are the legal issues associated with such properties. Dean says mostly clients who purchase such houses have to face some issues regarding remodeling done without permit.
Dean Graziosi is an expert on dealing with real estate issues. He is a successful entrepreneur and a real estate millionaire. He has more than two decades of experience with real estate business. He conducts seminars on the subject and runs infomercial series on local TV channels. Anyone living in United States and interested in real estate will immediately build a sense of respects and awe for this real estate genius.
Why People Avoid Getting Permit:
There are various reasons why people avoid getting permit for remodeling of houses. Number one reason is fees associated with permit. The fee structure varies with city to city and state to state. Mostly the fee is not so high, but the people are frightened of local inspectors. There are some additional and possibly unreasonable requirements with the remodeling permits. There are city codes, again varying from state to state. For example if you want to renovate kitchen, your city code might order you to remove stove and do some other renovations as well.
Another reason is inspectors, no two inspectors will show you same attitude. If one officer said to alter one thing, the second will order you to do two more amendments.
Another possible reason is that people think that they will not be caught. Homeowners are of the opinion that they have bought the house just for investment purpose and they will sale it way before it is reported to the related authorities.
Why You Should Go For Remodeling Permit:
Although the procedure is a bit lengthy, time consuming and might causes a hundred dollars more on the deal, but it is safe and essential for your property. If you think that you can get away with the entire remodeling and won't be caught, think again. Sources can report against you, for example, your neighbor can report remodeling of your house.
According to Dean, there are several reasons why you must obtain a work permit before starting remodeling process:
To Get 100% Accurate Work:
When you a hire a contractor, he will give you three ways of doing work. However, it is not necessary that all three ways are correct ways of doing your work. A house that is remodeled must have permit in order to get 100% accurate work.
To Avoid Penalties:
There are chances you might get away with remodeling without permit. But you cannot avoid future penalties. Worth of your property can fall down. In most of the cases, sum of penalties is more than the fee of getting permit.
In Order To Avoid Tear off:
In most of the cases, if you are caught with a remodeling without permit, government authorities will order you to tear the remodeled part out of the house.
To Get Your House Insured:
In most cases, you will not get your house insured. Insurance companies are always hesitant to insure such houses that are remodeled without any permit.