Business & Finance Blogging

Why People Fail To Earn Using Blogs?

There are over 70 million blogs on the internet right now.
This number keep going up as more and more people get the writing and information bug and want to be able to make money from home.
While there isn't a given number on how many of those 70 million plus blogs make money, I would venture to say that more then half of them do not.
I would even go as far to say that for every ten blogs that are created today, four of them will make money.
What is the reason for so many people failing at making money using their blog? Well there isn't just one reason there are several.
To better understand why people fail you need to understand that building an internet business is not easy.
It takes time, effort, energy and consistency.
That is only the start.
All of these places promising to make you hundreds of dollars a day in twenty four hours are unrealistic.
No one builds a successful business on the internet or elsewhere that quick.
So let us now take a look at a few reason people fail.
Poor planning and a bad mindset.
To many people think that all it takes to make money with a blog is to write one and post products on it.
You need to have content, not just any content but good content.
Creating good content takes time.
You need to build credibility with your viewers, and this is done with good content and if you are going to use affiliate links make sure that they are with good companies for products that deliver what they say they will.
You can have great content that promotes a bad product and you will never make a cent.
Lack of perseverance.
Building a successful money making blog takes time.
Face it your first idea may not be a smash hit.
It could take reworking.
You have to stick with it.
You can not write a blog one day, leave it alone and expect it to make you money.
It doesn't work that way, sorry.
Bad Market Research.
I believe that there is a market for just about anything.
Find that niche though takes a little research on your part.
If you are going to blog about getting rid of man boobs and other health problems men face, then you need market your blog in that area.
Find sites that deal with male health problems, or other blogs that talk about the same issues and link swap.
With over 70 million blogs do you honestly think that your idea is all the unique that you can not find someone with similar topics.
Lack of content or reluctant to write.
I already stated above that you need content.
Good content so that you can build a relationship with your reader, preferably a good one.
This means you have to write.
I highly recommend having your writing proofread.
If you don't like writing or you aren't any good at it, hire some one to do the writing for you.
There are many different sources available if you need a writer.
Find one and use them to help you build content.
No Mentor, Wrong Tools, No coaching club.
As a beginner with blogging it is absolutely vital that you have some one that can teach you how to blog successfully.
Having a good mentor or coach can help cut out half of the headaches and most of the frustration associated with building a blog.
This may cost you some money, but if it helps you make money and become successful isn't it worth the investment?

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