Chutzpah, Get Some Guts
Get some nerve and gumption to function Be aggressive in your needed initiation Don't sit idly by in the same pitiful station Waiting for a supernatural manifestation Go ahead and make it happen captain! Take some immediate necessary action Alter the status quo and get on the go! Don't hesitate to boldly give'm a show Don't be so easily blowed over by a "no" Persevere and push through so they know You're not one to go along with the flow Nicely, bureaucratically be put on a shelf Sat on the sidelines behind someone else While they have another smoke and coffee Lift up your voice!Open their eyes to see Success and progress doesn't come free Somebody must plow and push through This is why I am transparently telling you To get some chutzpah and internal fortitude Telling people what you want is not rude What you tolerate will perpetually dominate Your own mental health don't frustrate Beating around the bush is what most do Never accomplishing anything for me or you Yet miserably moping quietly at home privately Restlessly tormenting their friends and family It would therefore be far more easy to act Get some spunk, courage, grit, and guts To more quickly get beyond life's many ruts Get some intestinal strength and determination Don't worry about being disliked by some You can apologize later after you get done What you need to do.
As for now arise you Make something happen before day's end Gain respect before trying to make a friend Diplomacy is good and sometimes a big help But if not be resourceful to try something else Be intolerant of wasting time and your dime On ignorant, lazy, and disinterested people Delaying your destiny for such is feeble The timely, appropriate use of gall is regal Harness that emotional intensity purposefully To erupt with sheer, unrelenting audacity Awake the dead and get things moving quickly.
As for now arise you Make something happen before day's end Gain respect before trying to make a friend Diplomacy is good and sometimes a big help But if not be resourceful to try something else Be intolerant of wasting time and your dime On ignorant, lazy, and disinterested people Delaying your destiny for such is feeble The timely, appropriate use of gall is regal Harness that emotional intensity purposefully To erupt with sheer, unrelenting audacity Awake the dead and get things moving quickly.