Law & Legal & Attorney legal subjects

How to End a Power of Attorney

    • 1). Open your Microsoft word program or another typing program. Here you will type your own notice to end or revoke power of attorney. Put the title as such: Notice to Revoke Power of Attorney

    • 2). Put your request in writing with the date you want it to become effective or either put the words "effective immediately" in the body. List your name and the person whom you are taking the power from.

    • 3). Add a signature line with a date. You can then sign and date the form. In the presence of a notary is a good idea since they will also be able to sign the form and stamp it.

    • 4). Make a copy for your records after everything is signed, dated, and stamped.

    • 5). Have the revocation delivered to the person or financial institution via certified mail. This way you will get a receipt for the delivery with a date and time stamp. Also make the mail signature required.

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