Business & Finance Taxes

How to File Unfiled Tax Returns

    • 1). Determine when you last filed your income tax return so you know what documents to collect. Once you figure out the year (or years) you need to collect for, you can move on.

    • 2). Visit your nearest Social Security Administration to find all of your previous W-2s, 1099s and any other tax document you received in the years you did not file. If you have all of these documents already, then skip this step.

    • 3). Prepare your taxes as you normally would, but note that you have to mail your forms in for past due taxes. You can use an online program, purchase software or hire a tax professional to do this for you, but make sure you print and mail your forms. Most people who have unfiled taxes opt to go to a professional in order to get everything done efficiently and without mistakes.

    • 4). Collect any money you have from the IRS or pay any debts you may owe. If you owe a lot of money and cannot afford to pay for everything at once, the IRS allows you to pay in increments with a payment plan.

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