Business & Finance Corporations

Home Based Business Scams Vs Legit Home Based Businesses

Are you wondering what is a home based business scam and what is a legit home based business? Here are five tips to get you off on the right foot with starting a small business from your home.
Does it sound too good to be true? As they say, if it does, it probably is.
Now this doesn't mean that making a good living is impossible.
It just means that in your gut, you must feel that this is a real opportunity.
If not, it's probably not a legit home based business.
Can you see real people buying your good or service?If you can easily identify a target market that would part with their hard earned money for your product, it's probably not a home based business scam.
For instance, you can see real people paying $150 to $200 a week for in home daycare.
You probably can't see real people paying thousands of dollars for a vacation scheme - unless there was a downline attached.
That's probably a scam.
Would you buy the good or service? If you wouldn't buy the product yourself, you're going to have trouble selling it.
For instance, if you want to make money selling your crafts, have you ever bought crafts? If not, you're not going to have the confidence to sell them.
Is the expense worth the outlay? In other words, if you are paying up front for a franchise or a licensing fee, are you getting sufficient value for your money? Business advice runs the gamut from $30 ebooks to franchises that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Everyone wants a piece of your start up dollars.
Are they delivering value? 5.
Is there too much "hype" around the product? If they really have to "sell" you on buying into the business, step back and think twice about buying.
At the very least put some time distance between you and the purchase.
Not every home business opportunity is a scam.
Think of the moms running daycare businesses, the copywriters who work from home, and the computer repair technicians who work out of their vans.
Legit home businesses are becoming more common.
Just make sure you find something you know in your gut will work.

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