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Breaking Down the Language Barrier

This great country has a wide and diverse background due to different cultures that have come to its shores.
The hows and whys of how they got here are at times horrific, but the end result is that they have added greatly to our growth and most importantly to our culture.
Initially, immigrants kept to themselves, in their neighborhoods.
This is where they were most comfortable because the language and the customs were familiar.
This continues even today, the difference being that TV exposes immigrants to more diversity then ever before.
Many immigrants, when they came to our shores, Americanized their names.
Often, because officials had difficulty understanding how to pronounce their names.
People can argue that there was no sensitivity to the immigrants.
But, if you talk to the sons and daughters of these people, the first generation born in this country, you may walk away if a different understanding.
Many immigrants, had and continue to have a desire to embrace America and our language, while still maintaining their rich culture and heritage.
Governments both large and small in this country have created an arena that promotes bigotry.
When you separate a people because they can not speak and understand each other, you create an atmosphere of suspicion and even fear.
Consider this, if you can take a drivers test in one language, but can't read the road signs, how safe are you as a driver? Also, if you become ill and are in need of medical care, but the doctors and nurses can't understand you, how can they help you? Common sense would lead you to believe that having one language, the American Language, which has it's roots in multiple cultures, should be encourage.
This would allow better communication and better understanding among people.
Liberals and special interest would say that this is racist.
But, they have their own agenda.
If we can understand each other, then we can learn to appreciate each other and will learn to meet each other as equals.
Governments and other groups could not prey on misunderstanding and fear.
That being said, we may not get along with each other all the time, but then again, most families don't.
Respecting each other and where we came from is the first key.
Learning to understand each other is the next step.
Most of us, no matter where our mothers and fathers came from, have one thing in common.
We are trying to work hard, provide for our families and improve the lives of our family.
Sounds like we may have more in common then we think.
People are different, that's what makes this country so special.
Our culture is unique and like no other, because of the diversity of it's members.
While far from perfect and with a long way to go, the first step may be learning to speak with each other in the American Language.

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