Business & Finance Credit

3 Books You Can Download Right Now to Permanently Change Your Financial Outlook & Financial Future

Some of the most empowering financial and personal growth advice has been around for nearly 100 years! Yet, only a small percentage of the population can claim they are financially free.
Taking charge of your life and your finances begins with educating yourself to new possibilities.
Just because you didn't have the mentors to show you the way doesn't mean you can't begin today.
To be in control of your finances make a small investment in yourself, by taking the time to get to know these lessons.
It's too bad these books aren't part of everyone's education.
Now that you know, the only gate keeper is you! 1910: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles-Wattles states that acquiring the ability to think the way you want to think is the first step on the road to riches.
He further explains that sustaining thoughts regarding abundance or having enough is "the hardest work in the world" when those thoughts are contrary to what is currently appearing in your life.
He brilliantly recommends what the latest research in neuroscience and psychology advise when it comes to altering the brains capacity to take in new information-consistently and repetitively take in little hits of inspiration.
Rather than reading ten 300-page books about financial discipline choose one or two books that make you feel inspired and read them over and over until you really get it! 1948: The Magic of Belief by Claude M.
Bristol-While this one isn't only about getting rich, it covers some interesting points of view regarding the Depression, Hitler's propaganda techniques and the power of women to get what they want once they set their minds to it.
Last time I looked you could download the MP3 for just under $8 at talking-book-store.
2001: Spiritual Marketing by Joe Vitale-you may remember Joe Vitale from the movie, "The Secret" but he's been promoting these truths for years.
In his more recent books, Joe explains why just visualizing and affirming wealth sometimes work and sometimes don't.
In all of his books there is a common theme: The power to change lies within you.
By taking responsibility to "Clean the energy pathways you can have, do or be anything your want.
(free download at mrfire.
For more than a decade, prior to reading Spiritual Marketing I'd been focusing on clearing those energy pathways.
At the time I didn't have any idea that doing so would make it easier for me to create life on my terms or attract more of what I wanted with a lot less effort.
When I read that statement in his book I realized that while I had always been somewhat of a natural at "visualization" -I got called to the principles office in third grade just for daydreaming!-over the past few years lots of dreams come true began manifesting with relatively effortless ease! Including being debt-free! This clearing process along with the life lessons inherent in the process will lead to credit solutions you may haven't yet imagined.
Financial therapy may be the latest rage, but let's face it, if you had the extra $400 a month you might spend for therapy, you wouldn't need the counseling.
Solution oriented therapy is based upon the premise, the point of power is in the now.
Begin your personal Pathway2Abundance today by affirming, From now on, I am sensible and in control of my finances.
Next, download a free gift from me-I call it my Recession Buster!-it's a mini poster version of the highlights from the popular E-Book Don't Stress~Manifest: 21 Truths to Set You Financially Free Consistently cultivating more empowering thoughts will stabilize the mental maps that to direct you towards your new goals.

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