The first thing I want you to know is that the major reason why the internet was created is so that information can be transferred at a very fast speed all over the world. As a matter of fact, at the early age of the internet, it was known as "the information super highway" That is the bedrock of everything that goes online.
Think about it. When you go online, what do you go to do? It is either:
- You went to check your email (to get information)
- You went to search for something.
- You went to a site to get results (which is information)
- You visited online forums to get help about something
So, if you have a site that provides help on how using the internet for instance can become easier, people will rush to your site to use your information. Really, a blog is like a website except for the fact that you can easily put new contents to your blog without going through the stress of uploading files. Simply put, a blog is like a diary that you write on with your pencil so that you can write on it anytime and also edit your past writings on it without stress.
Before you create a blog account, you first need an email address. To open a free gmail account, Go to gmail. Click on create account fill the form with your informations then summit. Once your account is created, go to blogger, open a new blogger account with your gmail username and password. Follow the instructions and create your blog.Once you have created the blog site it is now time for you to monetize it.
To monetize your blog. Follow the following steps
Sign in to blogger. Click on monetize. This will take you to google adsense site. Then fill the form with your correct information (this is because it is where your payments will be sent to}. Once you are through with this, wait for 48hrs before the adverts will begin to show in your blog site, for google to review your account and you will start making money from your whenever any visitor views your blog.
FINALLY, The life blood of your blog income is traffic. You can easily generate traffic by:
€ Pinging €" this is the best strategy that you can be sure will drive traffic to your site. To ping, just Go to
€ Adding Fresh Contents €" To get real traffic to your blog, you must work on putting new content on your blog at least 4 times in a week and you should be consistent with it. Make sure that all your blog posts are keyword oriented most especially the title and subject of your post.
€ Submitting Articles €" This one is a mighty traffic puller if done in the right way. All you have to do is create articles of at least 250 words and submit them to article directory sites. You need to submit a lot of articles to get traffic and believe me, doing this is not as difficult as it seem to. You should also compose a signature that will be directing people to your blog. It is this signature that will make people come to see your blog.
€ Blog Comments €" Posting comments on other blogs is another effective way of driving traffic to your blog.
Think about it. When you go online, what do you go to do? It is either:
- You went to check your email (to get information)
- You went to search for something.
- You went to a site to get results (which is information)
- You visited online forums to get help about something
So, if you have a site that provides help on how using the internet for instance can become easier, people will rush to your site to use your information. Really, a blog is like a website except for the fact that you can easily put new contents to your blog without going through the stress of uploading files. Simply put, a blog is like a diary that you write on with your pencil so that you can write on it anytime and also edit your past writings on it without stress.
Before you create a blog account, you first need an email address. To open a free gmail account, Go to gmail. Click on create account fill the form with your informations then summit. Once your account is created, go to blogger, open a new blogger account with your gmail username and password. Follow the instructions and create your blog.Once you have created the blog site it is now time for you to monetize it.
To monetize your blog. Follow the following steps
Sign in to blogger. Click on monetize. This will take you to google adsense site. Then fill the form with your correct information (this is because it is where your payments will be sent to}. Once you are through with this, wait for 48hrs before the adverts will begin to show in your blog site, for google to review your account and you will start making money from your whenever any visitor views your blog.
FINALLY, The life blood of your blog income is traffic. You can easily generate traffic by:
€ Pinging €" this is the best strategy that you can be sure will drive traffic to your site. To ping, just Go to
€ Adding Fresh Contents €" To get real traffic to your blog, you must work on putting new content on your blog at least 4 times in a week and you should be consistent with it. Make sure that all your blog posts are keyword oriented most especially the title and subject of your post.
€ Submitting Articles €" This one is a mighty traffic puller if done in the right way. All you have to do is create articles of at least 250 words and submit them to article directory sites. You need to submit a lot of articles to get traffic and believe me, doing this is not as difficult as it seem to. You should also compose a signature that will be directing people to your blog. It is this signature that will make people come to see your blog.
€ Blog Comments €" Posting comments on other blogs is another effective way of driving traffic to your blog.