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How to Clean a Cheap Sofa

    • 1). Put on a pair of rubber gloves.

    • 2). Run your rubber gloved hands over the sofa to collect excess pet hair. Start at the arms, and then move to the seats and back.

    • 3). Discard the hair balls that you collect into a trash can.

    • 4). Remove the cushions from the sofa. Take them outside and shake or dust them to remove debris. Place the cushions in a safe location.

    • 5). Connect the upholstery attachment to your vacuum. Vacuum up all the crumbs and other debris that is on the seat of the sofa.

    • 6). Combine ¼ cup of laundry detergent with 1 cup of water. Wisk the contents until a stiff foam forms.

    • 7). Dip a sponge or cloth in the foam. Rub the stains with the sponge. Clean any stains off of the pillows in this manner.

    • 8). Saturate a cloth in cool water. Wring the excess liquid out of the cloth. Rinse the stain by blotting it with the saturated cloth.

    • 9). Allow the sofa to air dry.

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