Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

One cause of hemorrhoids is straining when on the toilet.
It is recommended that to avoid strain one should sit on the toilet seat, but tip the feet to the balls of the feet or toes, and lean forward, elbows to knees, in order to allow the feces to come out easily and without straining.
This protects your veins.
A person who has trouble with constipation may form hemorrhoids.
Avoid constipation with proper diet.
If you need to pass a hard stool, relax, breathe deeply in and out.
Let gravity help the situation.
Frequent diarrhea is hard on the veins around the rectum.
This can be a sign of disease and cause hemorrhoids.
Prevent infectious diarrhea by practicing good hand washing techniques after using the toilet, and before eating.
Wash all fresh produce to eliminate bacteria.
Avoid damage when you wipe.
A well formed bowel movement only requires a small amount of wiping.
Use a damp, soft cloth or commercially prepared wipe if you are tender.
Pregnancy often causes women to develop hemorrhoids, but women who exercise and walk frequently during pregnancy have better muscles to push the baby down the birth canal.
Those stronger muscles also resist the ballooning out of hemorrhoids People who must lift a lot at their job often develop hemorrhoids.
 Proper lifting will prevent many problems.
Better yet, whenever possible share the load and do not lift things that are too heavy.
Diseases cause pressure to build in the veins of the abdomen.
Liver disease is one of them.
Be moderate in the consumption of alcohol.
Avoid diseases like hepatitis.
Be heart healthy as well.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are very helpful.
The role overweight plays in the development of hemorrhoids cannot be overlooked.
Think of those excess pounds as heavy weights that you are lifting every day putting pressure on your anal area when you sit.
This is one more reason to lose weight if you possibly can.
Some families are more prone to hemorrhoids than others.
 If you know this is a tendency in your family, be proactive.
Exercise, eat right, and take care of yourself.
There are exercises that isolate the sphincter muscles and allow you to strengthen them, and that would help you avoid the genetic predisposition to hemorrhoids.
Another cause of hemorrhoids that is seldom spoken of is anal sex.
Even with lots of appropriate lubricant, that is not the function of the anus.
It causes hemorrhoids.
So avoid it.

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