Technology Electronics

Increasing iPhone Battery Life - 9 Tipe

The relatively short battery life apple has damned us with on our iDevice's poses a huge issue for heavy users. This techorial is geared toward helping users maximize the batter life on their iDevices for maximum usage!

  1. Brightness - Nothing consumes more power than your big-ol' LCD screen. Turn it's brightness down when feasible and you will extend your battery life significantly.

  2. Auto-Lock - While on the topic of your LCD and it's battery consumption, what better way to save your battery than to keep it off. Set your Auto-Lock time to one minute.

  3. 3G - If you aren't streaming music, browsing YouTube, or surfing the web, you have no need for 3G. 3G consumes your battery much quicker than edge. Turn it off.

  4. WiFi - Leaving it on will keep your phone constantly searching for networks. Turn it off.

  5. Bluetooth - Our devices have limited to no uses for Bluetooth anyways unless jailbroken. If you aren't using it, then keep it off.

  6. Location Services - If you aren't using maps, a GPS app, or geo tagging, turn location services off. This will significantly reduce network communication, thus increasing battery life.

  7. Push Notifications - By allowing apps to push notifications, you are allowing them to run background processes and notify you when an event occurs. This kills your batter. Turn it off.

  8. Email Fetch - Having Fetch enabled means that you want your email app to check for new emails automatically on a preset interval. This allows the app to communicate with the network on it's own, which is unnecessary for the average user. Check for new emails manually. Turn it off.

  9. SSH (Jailbroken Only) - If your iDevice is jailbroken and you have installed an SSH extension, make sure SSH is disabled when you are not using it. The best solution to keep it disabled is SBSettings. If you leave SSH on, you will literally be able to watch your battery meter drain. Keep it off.

  10. Collectively, these items should help you manage your battery life for maximum usage.

    If your device is jailbroken, I suggest using SBSettings to easily manage brightness, wifi toggles, network toggles, location toggles, and SSH toggles. More information on SBSettings can be found here.

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