Hawaii Wedding, Great Experience for Life Time Memories
Hawaii weddings are really very interesting and an enjoyable. There are number of ceremonies that happen and from couple to every attendee enjoy it to the fullest. Here is the effort to cast the wedding through this mode.
Groom’s_______ & Brides name_______: This is a special day as you have chosen this beautiful corner of paradise that we call the Garden Isle of Kauai as the place you will declare your abiding love for each other. Here in the Hawaiian Islands when one leaves or arrives, people say “aloha”. For the Hawaiian people the word “aloha” has three meanings. I believe that each of these meanings has significance for y our marriage today.
The first meaning of “aloha” is “hello”. This signifies that you are beginning a new life together; a life of love and deep commitment.
The second meaning of “aloha” is “good bye”. This signifies that you are leaving the past behind as just fond memories and greeting the future with excitement and anticipation..
The third meaning of “aloha” is probably the most important. And that meaning is “love”. As you have been growing in your knowledge of each other, you have discovered together how special love is when it is shared. At this time will you turn to each other and express from your heart “ALOHA”… (by exchanging leis. Exchanging leis is optional).
______ and _____, You are two people from different walks of life entering into the marriage relationship of oneness. A relationship in which neither of you loses your personal identity but where you help each other be their best in all things. Marriage is the blending of each person’s interests, dreams and desires. Together you will work to make the marriage a relationship of love
Let me read from I Corinthians 13:4-7 on love that you need to always model in your relationship.
"Love is patient and kind,
never jealous or envious,
never boastful or proud,
never haughty or selfish or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable or touchy.
It does not hold grudges and
will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.
It is never glad about injustice,
but rejoices whenever truth wins out.
If you love someone
you will be loyal to them no matter what the cost.
You will always believe in them,
always expect the best of them,
and always stand your ground in defending them."
______ (Groom) Are you willing to commit your life to ______ (Bride)
______ (Bride) Are you willing to commit your life to ______ (Groom)
(Couples face each other with their hand joined and repeat after me).
I_____, take you,(wife, husband)to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep, as God is my witness.
Though small in size, these rings are (this ring is) very large in
significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not
cheap nor common; indeed, love may cost us dearly.
Made in a circle, their design tells us that love must never come to
an end; we must keep it continuous. As you wear these rings, whether together or part for a moment, may they be constant reminders of these glad promises you are making today.
______ (Groom) I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.
______ (Bride) I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.
May these beautiful rings be a sign to each of you of the continuing love you pledge to each other today.
Blessing for a Marriage
Let me share four things that I believe are imperative for a growing and exciting marriage. You may imprint them on your mind by remembering that when you put the first letter of each word together it spells BEST.
Bless - Speak well of each other often. Express and share appreciation for the small things as well as the big things they do for you.
Edify - Cheer each other on in every area of life. This will encourage, strengthen and bring harmony and peace. Never criticize or tear each other down.
Share - Share your hearts and feelings everyday with each other. Another word for sharing is communication. Take time each day to focus attention on each other. Learn to listen to what each other means as well as what they say.
Touch - Marriage is a hands on relationship. Let there be plenty of caressing, hugging, touching and kissing.
Remember! You both chose THE BEST! Take care of each other the way you want to be cared for.
Hawaiian and English
E mau ke aloha me ke kai la,
E kupa’a me ke kuahiwi
E mehana i kala
E pa’a no ka olelo ho’ohiki aloha
I ka po me kea o
Mai ka la hiki a ka la kau
O ka noho pu
Me na hoku o ka lani
Let love continue as the sea
Stand firm as the mountains
Be warm in the sun
Let the vow of love be firm
Night and day (all times)
From East to West (all corners)
Many and sparkling be the days living together
As the stars of heaven
With this union of hearts and hands, and by the authority vested in me as a minister and by the laws of the State of Hawaii, I pronounce you husband and wife. At this time you may kiss the bride.
With this the family members introduced the couple with everybody and the Hawaii Wedding ends and a new life starts.
Groom’s_______ & Brides name_______: This is a special day as you have chosen this beautiful corner of paradise that we call the Garden Isle of Kauai as the place you will declare your abiding love for each other. Here in the Hawaiian Islands when one leaves or arrives, people say “aloha”. For the Hawaiian people the word “aloha” has three meanings. I believe that each of these meanings has significance for y our marriage today.
The first meaning of “aloha” is “hello”. This signifies that you are beginning a new life together; a life of love and deep commitment.
The second meaning of “aloha” is “good bye”. This signifies that you are leaving the past behind as just fond memories and greeting the future with excitement and anticipation..
The third meaning of “aloha” is probably the most important. And that meaning is “love”. As you have been growing in your knowledge of each other, you have discovered together how special love is when it is shared. At this time will you turn to each other and express from your heart “ALOHA”… (by exchanging leis. Exchanging leis is optional).
______ and _____, You are two people from different walks of life entering into the marriage relationship of oneness. A relationship in which neither of you loses your personal identity but where you help each other be their best in all things. Marriage is the blending of each person’s interests, dreams and desires. Together you will work to make the marriage a relationship of love
Let me read from I Corinthians 13:4-7 on love that you need to always model in your relationship.
"Love is patient and kind,
never jealous or envious,
never boastful or proud,
never haughty or selfish or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable or touchy.
It does not hold grudges and
will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.
It is never glad about injustice,
but rejoices whenever truth wins out.
If you love someone
you will be loyal to them no matter what the cost.
You will always believe in them,
always expect the best of them,
and always stand your ground in defending them."
______ (Groom) Are you willing to commit your life to ______ (Bride)
______ (Bride) Are you willing to commit your life to ______ (Groom)
(Couples face each other with their hand joined and repeat after me).
I_____, take you,(wife, husband)to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep, as God is my witness.
Though small in size, these rings are (this ring is) very large in
significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not
cheap nor common; indeed, love may cost us dearly.
Made in a circle, their design tells us that love must never come to
an end; we must keep it continuous. As you wear these rings, whether together or part for a moment, may they be constant reminders of these glad promises you are making today.
______ (Groom) I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.
______ (Bride) I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.
May these beautiful rings be a sign to each of you of the continuing love you pledge to each other today.
Blessing for a Marriage
Let me share four things that I believe are imperative for a growing and exciting marriage. You may imprint them on your mind by remembering that when you put the first letter of each word together it spells BEST.
Bless - Speak well of each other often. Express and share appreciation for the small things as well as the big things they do for you.
Edify - Cheer each other on in every area of life. This will encourage, strengthen and bring harmony and peace. Never criticize or tear each other down.
Share - Share your hearts and feelings everyday with each other. Another word for sharing is communication. Take time each day to focus attention on each other. Learn to listen to what each other means as well as what they say.
Touch - Marriage is a hands on relationship. Let there be plenty of caressing, hugging, touching and kissing.
Remember! You both chose THE BEST! Take care of each other the way you want to be cared for.
Hawaiian and English
E mau ke aloha me ke kai la,
E kupa’a me ke kuahiwi
E mehana i kala
E pa’a no ka olelo ho’ohiki aloha
I ka po me kea o
Mai ka la hiki a ka la kau
O ka noho pu
Me na hoku o ka lani
Let love continue as the sea
Stand firm as the mountains
Be warm in the sun
Let the vow of love be firm
Night and day (all times)
From East to West (all corners)
Many and sparkling be the days living together
As the stars of heaven
With this union of hearts and hands, and by the authority vested in me as a minister and by the laws of the State of Hawaii, I pronounce you husband and wife. At this time you may kiss the bride.
With this the family members introduced the couple with everybody and the Hawaii Wedding ends and a new life starts.