Meditation to Unleash the Power of the Spirit and Transform the Mind
I want you to know that within you lies an unlimited power which if activated can change your life and your circumstances. This power I call the Power of the Spirit, because it is spiritual power. The way you contact this power, and the way you unfold it within your life, is through focused meditation. Spending quality time twice a day quieting the mind, and communing with spirit, will unleash the Power of the Spirit in your life.
You must understand that you draw into your life what you meditate upon.
You may think you do not meditate now, but you do; unconsciously and in the wrong directions. For example, statistics show, most people who start a weight loss and fitness program will be unsuccessful. And even if they do lose some weight and become somewhat physically active, only 5% of those who start a weight loss and fitness program will keep the weight off after one year. Why? This is because, in many cases, people are of two minds on the issue of weight loss and fitness. One part of our mind, the objective or conscious mind wants to lose weight, and understands the importance and health benefits of weight loss and regular exercise. However, the other part of our mind, our subconscious mind, remains unconvinced that we truly mean it, and refuses to provide the necessary energy we need to be successful in the long term. This is because we imagine in our minds, through a sort of meditation, that diet and exercise will be hard, and we will have to give up things we love, etc. As a result, our subconscious mind, because of the visions and feelings we send it through meditation, does not provide the energy and stamina we need to be successful losing weight. In fact, the meditations are sending energy in the opposite direction, to fight our weight loss and provide the means for us to indulge in the things we are meditating on, like fattening foods, etc.
It is the same with those who have addictions. The conscious mind of the addict understands that they must change or they may come to a very bad end because of the addiction. However, the meditations and visions of their mind center only on the drug, effectively turning them into the very thing they imagine and meditate on in their lives; an addict who loves their drug. The energy to quit is redirected entirely into getting high, because that is what the meditations and desires of the person are truly communicating to the subconscious mind.
As you can see, we all meditate at some level, and access the Power of the Spirit. Unfortunately, this power is often misdirected and misused. So the key then is to find time to deliberately focus our minds on the highest and best life has to offer; success, abundance, good health, happiness, love, etc. In this way, we will direct the energy of the Power of the Spirit towards proving us the means and motivation to make our dreams come true. The subconscious will sense this energy and will provide the motivation, energy, and means to lead you to success. And because the spirit is infinite, there is no limit to what you can accomplish if you remain faithful to your program of meditation.
I hope this article helped you understand the power of meditation, and how it can radically change your life. Discover a good meditation and affirmation program today.
You must understand that you draw into your life what you meditate upon.
You may think you do not meditate now, but you do; unconsciously and in the wrong directions. For example, statistics show, most people who start a weight loss and fitness program will be unsuccessful. And even if they do lose some weight and become somewhat physically active, only 5% of those who start a weight loss and fitness program will keep the weight off after one year. Why? This is because, in many cases, people are of two minds on the issue of weight loss and fitness. One part of our mind, the objective or conscious mind wants to lose weight, and understands the importance and health benefits of weight loss and regular exercise. However, the other part of our mind, our subconscious mind, remains unconvinced that we truly mean it, and refuses to provide the necessary energy we need to be successful in the long term. This is because we imagine in our minds, through a sort of meditation, that diet and exercise will be hard, and we will have to give up things we love, etc. As a result, our subconscious mind, because of the visions and feelings we send it through meditation, does not provide the energy and stamina we need to be successful losing weight. In fact, the meditations are sending energy in the opposite direction, to fight our weight loss and provide the means for us to indulge in the things we are meditating on, like fattening foods, etc.
It is the same with those who have addictions. The conscious mind of the addict understands that they must change or they may come to a very bad end because of the addiction. However, the meditations and visions of their mind center only on the drug, effectively turning them into the very thing they imagine and meditate on in their lives; an addict who loves their drug. The energy to quit is redirected entirely into getting high, because that is what the meditations and desires of the person are truly communicating to the subconscious mind.
As you can see, we all meditate at some level, and access the Power of the Spirit. Unfortunately, this power is often misdirected and misused. So the key then is to find time to deliberately focus our minds on the highest and best life has to offer; success, abundance, good health, happiness, love, etc. In this way, we will direct the energy of the Power of the Spirit towards proving us the means and motivation to make our dreams come true. The subconscious will sense this energy and will provide the motivation, energy, and means to lead you to success. And because the spirit is infinite, there is no limit to what you can accomplish if you remain faithful to your program of meditation.
I hope this article helped you understand the power of meditation, and how it can radically change your life. Discover a good meditation and affirmation program today.