Health & Medical Dental & Oral

A Nice Comparison Of All The Teeth Whitening Systems On The Market

Hello everyone my name is Daniel Halmquist and today I'm going to tell you about every single tooth whitening system I have ever tried and then let you know how well each one worked. I could spend a lot of time telling you about myself but basically I had really yellow teeth from braces and smoking and my girlfriend is also a smoker/ coffee drinker so we needed a way to get rid of this yellowing without paying for expensive laser surgery. Anyhow here are the products listed from the worst to the best.

#4 Any Whitening Toothpaste/Gum And Mouthwash

Well this is an obvious I chewed that special tooth whitening gum and brushed with the super expensive Whitening toothpaste 3 times a day the entire time that I had braces on my teeth and didn't notice any difference at all in the whiteness of my teeth. My dentist also told me that it does help keep your teeth whiter and cleaner for a longer period of time and adds to the any current teeth whitening systems your on but it doesn't really whiten your teeth any more than if you just brushed regularly. Basically if you want to keep your teeth cleaner and whiter longer though it might be worth picking it up at your local grocery store whenever your getting grocery's or gas or whatever your getting this stuff's everywhere. Also for mouthwash my dentist also told me that it helps get rid of bacteria at night and keep your mouth clean but doesn't have any whitening value.

#3 Natural White Pro Teeth Bleaching System

The Natural White Pro Teeth Bleaching system is supposed to be exactly like a bleaching you can get at the dentist with the only difference that you can do it at home. This did work slightly but the kit and tray's were a pain to deal with and neither me nor my girlfriend seemed to be able to use it without burning our gum's slightly with the bleach in the kit. Its not a bad quick system but it didn't work quite as good as the dentist would do it and it only made my teeth about 1 or 2 shades whiter. Also because I had braces it only whitened the white spots more and slightly whitened the yellowing areas.

#2 Crest White strips

Anyone with yellow teeth has heard of or used the amazing crest strips. Well they did work quite well and made it to the second best product on my list the only problem was they didn't work very fast. In order to get my teeth as white as I wanted I would probably have to wear them twice a day for a year. If your teeth aren't very yellow at all or if you don't need results very fast then id suggest going for this product

#1 Rembright Teeth Whitening Systems

Well I believe Rembright has a few teeth whitening systems on the market but the one I tried is located on my home page about Teeth Whitening Systems []. You can head there to check out the link but basically it's a kit much like the bleaching systems except it actually worked and worked quick, you put it every couple of days and can really see the difference every time you take it off. I expected less out of this product and am still amazed that it was top of the list but the best part is it only cost me like 5$ to try. I was only able to find this online when writing this article as I looked in stores to see if I could save people time by telling them to get it right away rather than going through the shit that I did. But if you head to the page I linked to above then you can find out where to get this stuff. It's a free trial that only cost about 5$ for the shipping costs. I was also surprised how much was included in the free trial because you basically get a months worth of product and that was even more than I needed to get my own crappy teeth white so I don't see people really needing much more. So if your currently looking for a teeth whitening system I'd skip the crap and go directly for this one.

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