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Pete Sheppard Star of the Big Show Let Go Because of Economy

Pete Sheppard was a star on the Big Show.
However we was axed recently by the WEEI Sports Powerhouse because of the economy which is affecting the entire media industry.
And if you've ever watched Broadcast News, you know the nature of this business, which is what Sheppard told MediaBiz yesterday in an interview he had with them.
Pete Sheppard liked being the number two guy on the number one show.
For over a decade he had appeared on Glenn Ordway's afternoon drive show.
Sheppard originally had a 4 year contract that didn't expire until February 2011, however, there was a clause in this contract that allowed the TV Station to terminate him up to a year early.
He was ranking in a six figure income with this show, but ended up receiving a severance package due to his early termination.
Pete Sheppard's agent Kim Zayotti said she was aware of the good and bad points of the contract up front, but sometimes you just have to fight for what you want at the moment, and weigh out the good and bad points up front and take them with a grain of salt should they arise.
The TV Station liked Sheppard and said they didn't want to do this, but they had to because of the economy, and that is was one of the hardest decisions they've ever had to make.
They did congratulate Pete for all of his outstanding work with WEEI over the decide, as well as his loyalty to the station.
They said he had a lot to do with the growth of the TV Station and they enjoyed having him.
Sheppard had his dream job setup for him when he started working for WEEI part time as the "sports flash" guy every weekend.
Eventually in 1999 he landed his role on the "Big Show" and his career spiraled upwards over the years.
Pete Sheppard felt like each day was a Seinfeld episode being on the "Big Show".
He said that the chemistry was there.
I'm sure lots of you are interested to see what Pete will do next.
Only time will tell.
With his experience now I'm sure he'll be getting some decent offers from other stations soon.

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