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How to Make Your Own Backdrops for Movies and Games


    • 1). Creating a good backdrop depends on more than just your fabric and design. It requires equipment like pipes, elbows, connectors, caps, cross connectors, and professional-quality paints. First, decide on the pipes you need for your backdrop. Film professionals recommend lightweight Schedule 40 PVC conduit.

    • 2). With a hacksaw, cut eight pieces of 3/4 inch pipe about 1 1/2 feet in length, and place a cap on one end of each. Cut two pieces of 3/4 inch pipe about 2 inches in length, and attach them into an opening on each of the cross connectors. Fasten the cross connectors on the 2 inch pieces of pipe, and attach one of your 1 1/2 foot pipe sections into the other end of the cross connector.

    • 3). Decide the height you want your backdrop to be, and cut two of the other 3/4 inch pipe pieces to that size. You must cut your 3/4 inch crossbar pipe 6 inches wider than your fabric. Take the two support pipes and fasten a 90 degree elbow onto each one, then attach the crossbar pipe into the two elbows. Attach support pipes to the ends of the cross connectors on the bottom.

    • 4). Finally, fit your hand-painted fabric onto the backdrop support. Make sure the fabric has no wrinkles. Roll the fabric onto the pipe and wrap Velcro strip or tape around it. Take apart the frame holding the crossbar and fabric pipe, then roll down the fabric to your preferred height. To ensure the fabric doesn't roll off the pipe, slowly lower it while holding the pipe.

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