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Creating Unique Home Brews

If you're into brewing beers, I'm sure you've always wanted that beer flavor that was a little different than the others.
In fact, you might have wanted a beer flavor that was off the chain when it comes to taste and strength.
You have to find your taste and chase it! To review the basics of brewing so that you are up to speed, the first thing you want to do is boil malted barley to release the malt sugars.
The malt sugars are then boiled with hops for seasoning purposes.
Cool the solution and add yeast to begin the fermentation process.
Now, that's as simple as brewing gets.
There is an entire science to how long to boil and at what temperature.
The fermentation process varies from brew to brew.
But, we're going to focus on the seasoning.
When you add hops to the boil for seasoning purposes, this is a great time to make your distinction.
There are other times throughout the brewing process as well when you can make slight changes that could really bring a beer to a whole new level.
So, let's try to find that distinct beer that fits your taste.
Then, we'll chase it until we nail it.
Because we can't let a good beer get away.
It's not in the heart of any beer enthusiast to ever let one go.
If you think that's not true, look at some of the beers we've launched.
Ever heard of milk beer called Bilk? It exists.
They make it in Japan and they use the milk that gets discarded from the local farmers.
How about a champagne mixed beer, a pizza beer, or vitamin enhanced beer? Yes, they also exist.
We even have the world's strongest beer at 25%.
But, don't think you'll just buy that anywhere.
Amber Malt If you want the great taste of Amber, you can simply get Amber Malt and add it to your recipe.
But, you can also make your own Amber.
It's a simple technique where you take 2 Row Pale Malt and roast it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 400 for about 20 minutes.
Have fun! German Beer Purity Law This law was put in place to decree that beer only be made with water, malt, hops and yeast.
That's why nearly every beer recipe you can find will have only those ingredients.
But, does that mean you have to stop there? We're having fun now! Always remember that and you can't go wrong.
Coffee Give your beer some kick with a few coffee beans.
How much depends on the amount of your brew? But, this is one to have fun.
The beer that acts like a morning drink, but we all know that it isn't.
Spices Don't be afraid to throw in some pepper, thyme, or cinnamon.
These are just a few examples of the many spices you can use in your brew.
If you're chasing a taste, why not chase it down the spice rack? Brewing beer is like anything else.
When you're cooking on the stove, do you hesitate to cook the food the way you want and with what you want? Then by all means, do the same with your brew.
You can't go wrong.
You can only end up with a slightly different flavor and you'll always have chances to perfect it.

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