Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Make Allergy Triggers DisappearPart -2

Hello again.
Last time we were talking about two very common allergy triggers found in most homes.
These were mold and dust caused by dirty furnace and air conditioner filters.
There is also some information on the importance of having the right humidity in your home to make the air as comfortable as possible for someone who suffers from allergies or even asthma.
A trigger is simply something that may irritate the bronchial tubes were respiratory system of someone who is predisposed to having difficulty breathing.
Anything that may irritate the breathing tubes of someone with even a somewhat compromised respiratory system should be considered a trigger.
So think of a trigger as the event that starts an allergic reaction or an asthmatic attack and you can easier understand the importance of limiting exposure to these triggers.
While wall to wall carpet is a great feature in a house it can harbor massive amounts of dirt and dust along with pet hair, dander and yes, even mold.
If you have a family member that seems to have more difficulty breathing at night, you might want to consider removing the carpeting at least in the bedroom.
No matter how well you vacuum carpet some debris will inevitably be trapped.
If you consider this only as a last resort, your next option is to make certain you have a high quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filtration exhaust system.
Although not inexpensive, and high quality vacuum will have more suction and be better able to remove more of the collected dirt in the carpet than a typical lower and vacuum.
The only real way to be certain that the carpet is not causing breathing difficulty is to remove it.
There are some very nice, high quality, hardwood floors that can be used along with an area rug is a nice decorator touch.
Just be certain the area rug can be removed and cleaned regularly.
Be warned that some hardwood floors are installed on a foam floating bed.
If enough water is able to seep between the foam in the flooring material, mold could grow and you may have traded a dirt allergy trigger for a mold allergy trigger.
Dust mites are a very typical allergy trigger found in most bedrooms.
These can be controlled by placing pillows mattresses and even box springs and special dust mite proof covers.
Wash bedding on a standard schedule in hot water.
Select curtains and blinds that are easily washable and preferably made of synthetic fibers.
This will cut down on dust from natural fibers.
Ideally, replace horizontal blinds with easy to care for vertical ones that can be wiped down weekly.
Another option is a simple rollup or Roman type shade that can be taken down regularly and washed.
The key to making life for an allergy or asthma sufferer more tolerable is to limit the number of potential asthma attacks and allergy reactions.
By limiting exposure to the triggers, at least in their own home, it's possible to lower the potential of the serious respiratory attack.
For more information on other ideas to eliminate allergy and asthmatic triggers in your home, visit the website below and request the free report.

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