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How to Catch Prospective Customers Early in the Game

Earlier, I explained how the How to Double Your Business system can assist you to decipher the unrevealed contrasts separating keywords like "cockatiel" and "cockatiels".

None can fault you for wondering in what way, if any, such contrasts carry weight , or if they can, in fact, increase your sales.

To weigh the profitable influence that knowing the mind of a searcher for niche keywords can have on your business, let's analyze the customary conduct of a surfer searching for information, on the Internet.

Supposing surfers seek trivia on a new subject, they would probably key in words of a general nature, as compared to anybody who is not completely ignorant about the subject information is sought on. The latter kind of information-seeker will undoubtedly use more clear-cut key words.

To cite an instance, key words like "cockatiel" and "cockatiels" might be keyed in by the same searcher, but at different stages. If it's a new seeker for knowledge on the pet bird, the search word used is likely to be the singular "cockatiel".

The surfer, once he or she has some primary knowledge on the topic, will probably look for information on "cockatiels", not "cockatiel". Such a searcher might also seek a place where cockatiels are sold, and, consequently, type in "cockatiel shop", or "cockatiel shops in Manhattan" to be still more specific.

Or he or she might want information on stopping a pet cockatiel from screaming or biting, and the associated search term could be "cockatiel training".

This predisposition of becoming more clear-cut in search descriptions called the Search Continuum. You must know the frequency of searches is highest at the start of the search continuum. It is equally important to recognize that those who don't have much preliminary information on what they are looking for cannot be expected to buy.

Thus, it stands to reason keywords of a more general kind more frequent in the initial stages of the search continuum sell in larger quantities at lower rates than keywords of a specific nature occurring at the other end of the spectrum. These cost more and are easier to transform into sales.

Internet marketers choose the second type of keywords that are more specific, though these carry a bigger price tag.

Therefore we may surmise that there's a preference for a competitive environment with a higher acquisition cost.

If you can understand what a keyword searcher is thinking you could cut costs by selling to prospective buyers who type in general search words.

The benefit to you is two-fold as the keywords cost less while you get more buyers.

You can actually give the searchers more than they are looking for in terms of information which may induce them to buy.

The great thing is that the competition don't recognize those whom you're selling to.

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