Business & Finance Personal Finance

How do I Collect Back Child Support in Hawaii?

    • 1). Go to the Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency, a division of the Department of the Attorney General. Local office information is available at or you may call the main number on Oahu at 808-692-8265 for an office near you.

    • 2). Sign in and wait to be called. Be patient and realize this is a government office with many public demands placed on it. You may be there for several hours so bring a book or magazine to keep yourself occupied.

    • 3). Explain to the representative that you need to file for back support and provide him with your court order and any payment documents you do have. You will be required to enroll in the state payment system and fill out a questionnaire regarding payment history.

    • 4). Provide the representative with the other parent's work information and any assets you know the parent owns.

    • 5). Wait for the Child Support Enforcement Agency to perform an audit. This may take several months to contact the other parent and confirm all payments made to you. At the end of the audit, you will be given a report stating exactly how much is owed to you.

    • 6). Request the Child Support Enforcement Agency to place a lien on any tax refunds paid to the other parent as well as file for wage garnishment for existing and back child support obligations.

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