What to Look for In a Multivitamin
With many more people becoming increasingly health conscious, the number of multivitamins that has hit the market has grown exponentially. With millions of multivitamins currently on the market, the number of options can be overwhelming. How do you know if the cost ones and the higher cost one is more beneficial? The trick is to make sure that your easy to swallow multivitamin has the appropriate combination of essential nutrients and vitamins needed for your health. Here are some things to look for when perusing the aisles of your local vitamin shop or visiting online vitamin stores.
Make Sure Your Easy to Swallow Multivitamin is Labeled 100%
Reputable online vitamin stores will display the label, allowing you to research and purchase from the comfort of home. One of the most important things to look for when choosing a daily multivitamin is making sure that it contains 100% of your recommended daily dosage of recommended vitamins. This also goes for small size fish oil capsules and small sized prenatal vitamins. Small size fish oil capsules should contain 100% of the daily dosage of EPA and DHA needed for optimum benefits and small sized prenatal vitamins should contain the essential nutrients and vitamins required for the optimum health of you and your baby. Above all, your easy to swallow multivitamin should contain 100% of the daily recommended amounts of Vitamins C, B12, D, B6, E and folic acid.
Check Out the Mineral Content
Minerals that should be included in your easy to swallow multivitamin are calcium and magnesium. Most multivitamins will not contain 100% of these minerals due to their large size content so you may have to supplement with additional pills or take in these minerals naturally through your diet.
Your Multivitamin Should Not Include Vitamin A and Iron
Vitamin A is not able to be produced naturally and can have adverse negative side effects on your health. Make sure to purchase an easy to swallow multivitamin with little to no Vitamin A content. Iron may not need to be included in your multivitamin, as it can have adverse effects on those that do not require it.
Take Into Consideration Age/Sex When Purchasing a Multivitamin
Specific populations require specific multivitamins, and they are often categorized in online vitamin stores and arranged categorically in retail vitamin shops. For those over 50, multivitamins with extra B12 should be purchased. Menopausal women require multivitamins with additional iron and men require additional selenium.
Most importantly, make sure that the multivitamins you purchase are up to par with industry safety standards. If you are not sure of what type of multivitamin to take or what to look for, consult your physician for recommendations.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Make Sure Your Easy to Swallow Multivitamin is Labeled 100%
Reputable online vitamin stores will display the label, allowing you to research and purchase from the comfort of home. One of the most important things to look for when choosing a daily multivitamin is making sure that it contains 100% of your recommended daily dosage of recommended vitamins. This also goes for small size fish oil capsules and small sized prenatal vitamins. Small size fish oil capsules should contain 100% of the daily dosage of EPA and DHA needed for optimum benefits and small sized prenatal vitamins should contain the essential nutrients and vitamins required for the optimum health of you and your baby. Above all, your easy to swallow multivitamin should contain 100% of the daily recommended amounts of Vitamins C, B12, D, B6, E and folic acid.
Check Out the Mineral Content
Minerals that should be included in your easy to swallow multivitamin are calcium and magnesium. Most multivitamins will not contain 100% of these minerals due to their large size content so you may have to supplement with additional pills or take in these minerals naturally through your diet.
Your Multivitamin Should Not Include Vitamin A and Iron
Vitamin A is not able to be produced naturally and can have adverse negative side effects on your health. Make sure to purchase an easy to swallow multivitamin with little to no Vitamin A content. Iron may not need to be included in your multivitamin, as it can have adverse effects on those that do not require it.
Take Into Consideration Age/Sex When Purchasing a Multivitamin
Specific populations require specific multivitamins, and they are often categorized in online vitamin stores and arranged categorically in retail vitamin shops. For those over 50, multivitamins with extra B12 should be purchased. Menopausal women require multivitamins with additional iron and men require additional selenium.
Most importantly, make sure that the multivitamins you purchase are up to par with industry safety standards. If you are not sure of what type of multivitamin to take or what to look for, consult your physician for recommendations.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.