Health & Medical Women's Health

Natural Tips To Cure Painful Periods Problem To Ease Menstrual Pain

More than 15 percent of women complain of extreme level of inconvenience and pain during the monthly flow. This is the condition which affects millions of women but they rarely discuss this with their physician, although there may be some women who complain of pain even when they have normal flow. Underlying disorder of the uterine such as fibroids, polyps, endometriosis, thyroids conditions, liver or kidney diseases, PCOS, infections or intake of medicines can cause the pain.

There are many painkillers which are taken by women for blocking pain during the menstrual cycle. This restricts the production of prostaglandins which is responsible for pain during the monthly flow. The regular intake of the chemicals found in these medicines can harm the lining of stomach and cause irritation. It can cause vomiting, nausea and in certain conditions, diarrhea. There are many long-term side effects of taking such harsh chemicals for reducing pain. Natural tips to cure painful periods problem is to take herbal remedies which are empowered with natural painkillers and phyto chemicals that can regulate the monthly cycle.

Natural tips to cure painful periods problem:

To ease menstrual pain Gynecure capsules can be taken. The herbs in the capsule work as astringents that can reduce the problems of inflammation, wound and infections of micro organism to the female organs. The herbs contain phyto chemicals which can restrict the release of prostaglandins which causes pain during monthly cycle. The herb such as Guattaria longifolia and Symplocos racemosa are traditionally used to cure the uterine pain and inflammation. It cures the condition of fibroids in women which is main cause for pain and excess bleeding in many women.

These herbs can be taken to ease menstrual pain and inconvenience. It can improve the digestion of food and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea during monthly flow. Diarrhea can be seen in women who suffer from extreme pain because the release of chemicals such as prostaglandins triggers the contraction of intestinal muscles which causes stomach pain and diarrhea.

The bark of the medicinal tree Randia dumetorum contains phyto chemicals such as triterpene, mannitol, saponins, coumarin glycosides which can reduce such pains. It can treat many forms of inflammation, wounds and has antibacterial properties to cure any form of infections in the body. It has anti allergic and immuno modulatory properties. The herb can cure ulcer, abscess, wounds and infections to the uterus to cure symptoms of fibroids and inflammation. The phyto-chemicals are rich in compounds which can regulate the endocrine flow and restrict the flow of pain causing chemicals. It reduces the symptoms of dysentery as well. It works as astringent and is rich in antioxidants. One of the widely used natural tips to cure painful periods problem is to take herbal remedies which are empowered with such rare herbs.

In short, the best natural tips to cure painful periods problem involve taking adequate level of nutrients and foods rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, zinc and calcium. Omega-6 fats are also effective in empowering the female body to prevent such problems. Herbs can be taken to ease menstrual pain as it can cure the uterine conditions such as polyps, fibroids and regulate the release of prostaglandins.

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