Health & Medical Women's Health

Transumbilical Breast Augmentation - TUBA Surgery

The transumbilical breast augmentation is also known by its acronym of TUBA and in this particular breast augmentation procedure the surgeon will use an endoscope and enter into the abdominal cavity via the patient's navel.
This particular incision type has no visible scarring associated with it but it does have its limitations.
In the transumbilical breast augmentation the surgeon will make an incision in the navel of the breast augmentation patient.
Once this incision is made the surgeon will then use an endoscope to create a tunnel just under the skin where the body has a normal crease, from the navel to each individual breast.
Once the surgeon has made this tunnel, he or she will then use the same endoscope to create the pocket where the implant will be placed.
Because this process is done entirely with the camera located on the head of the endoscope it is important that you choose a surgeon who is experienced in the transumbilical breast augmentations as there is a heightened chance that the pocket can be made the wrong size.
After making the tunnels and the pockets to the breast, the surgeon will then use the same endoscope to place the implants in their respective pockets.
This of course is done only using the camera on the endoscope and there is a slight possibility that the implant may not be adequately positioned so it is very important that the surgeon has experience in this procedure.
With the transumbilical breast augmentation the only implant choice is that of a saline filled implant.
This does not mean that you are only limited to one style as you are not.
You can choose virtually any style breast implant for the transumbilical breast augmentation but just make sure that your surgeon has experience with this procedure especially if you decide on an anatomical style implant.
After feeding the implant into its respective pockets and making sure that the placement is correct, the surgeon will then fill the implants with a saline solution being careful not to over fill or under fill the implant as both the over and under filling of a breast implant can lead to the implant rupturing.
This is considered to be one of the hardest breast augmentation procedures due to the distance between the navel and the breast but at the same time it is the only breast augmentation that guarantees that the incision scar will not be noticeable.

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