Mastering blues guitar and other styles
Beginning blues guitar instruction is a great way to really hone your skills as a guitarist. One obvious reason is that the blues is a wonderfully passionate style of music that has been shared by many different musicians, but another great thing about working on this style is the fact that it can teach any guitar player so much about the construction and melodic changes of a song and solo.
Beginning blues guitar lessons is also a great way to really start understanding and
making sense of scales, starting with the major and minor pentatonic scales of course.
Its one of the best and easiest forms of music to train yourself to solo with, but there
is one problem. Because the blues is so enjoyable to play, a lot of guitarists find themselves getting stuck with in the genre. This isn't to blame blues music, as this can happen with any genre that you pursue. However, if you find yourself in this position, this may be your first time experiencing something that is difficult for more experienced guitarists to get past.
You will learn much from this style, including phrasing, but perhaps you will soon find
your musical ideas getting stale. What you do is try to incoporate what you are learning about a style such as the blues, and apply it to another type of music. Going from blues to Latin is definitely one of the best moves, because the dorian mode, which is commonly used in Latin music and the pentatonic scales go so well with each other. If you don't know what I'm talking about then perhaps you've heard of Santana? what a great sound! Imagine getting into something kind of borderline.
From here you could keep expanding and learn so much about music, but the point is that you have to take it one step at a time. Figure out what makes one little difference
between two styles of music. Then decide what IS common between them. Its very possible to cross styles, get out of a rut, discover so much about how music works, and further develop your own sound and style. Beginning blues guitar lessons is a great way to accelerate your playing, but remember that unless you want to play the blues your
whole life, that you'll need to nudge yourself in order to get going with something new.
Beginning blues guitar lessons is also a great way to really start understanding and
making sense of scales, starting with the major and minor pentatonic scales of course.
Its one of the best and easiest forms of music to train yourself to solo with, but there
is one problem. Because the blues is so enjoyable to play, a lot of guitarists find themselves getting stuck with in the genre. This isn't to blame blues music, as this can happen with any genre that you pursue. However, if you find yourself in this position, this may be your first time experiencing something that is difficult for more experienced guitarists to get past.
You will learn much from this style, including phrasing, but perhaps you will soon find
your musical ideas getting stale. What you do is try to incoporate what you are learning about a style such as the blues, and apply it to another type of music. Going from blues to Latin is definitely one of the best moves, because the dorian mode, which is commonly used in Latin music and the pentatonic scales go so well with each other. If you don't know what I'm talking about then perhaps you've heard of Santana? what a great sound! Imagine getting into something kind of borderline.
From here you could keep expanding and learn so much about music, but the point is that you have to take it one step at a time. Figure out what makes one little difference
between two styles of music. Then decide what IS common between them. Its very possible to cross styles, get out of a rut, discover so much about how music works, and further develop your own sound and style. Beginning blues guitar lessons is a great way to accelerate your playing, but remember that unless you want to play the blues your
whole life, that you'll need to nudge yourself in order to get going with something new.