Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

The Best Way to Convert LPs to CD


    • You probably will want to make your conversions using a computer because standalone CD recorders still tend to be expensive. Plus, you have more direct control over CD creation on the computer. You will need a working turntable and probably an amplifier for it to begin the process. You also will need an analog-to-digital converter to connect to your computer. You won't need speakers attached to the amplifier, but you can have them if you want them.


    • Hook up the turntable to the amplifier, then use the analog-to-digital converter to connect the amplifier to the computer. You also will need a basic sound recording software package. These can be anything from freeware and shareware programs available online to basic programs to high end. For an Apple Macintosh, Freeverse Software has SoundStudio that is a good, basic recording package. For the PC, Sound Recorder and a variety of other sound recording software are available. Make sure you have a lot of hard disk space available because about 10 megabytes of space is required for each minute of recording in WAV or AIFF formats. If you want to record directly to MP3 format, you will need a recorder that has this capability. MP3 requires about 1 megabyte per minute.

    Making CDs

    • When everything is hooked up and you have made a test recording, start you recording software, then place the stylus on the record. Recording an entire album as one file may be unwieldy. Record each song separately and save them as individual files. When you have finished recording, you can use the filters and tools in some software packages such as SoundStudio to clean up the sound. You can reduce noise, pop and scratches using these filters. Other software packages made specifically to digitize analog records have built-in preset filters for these types of noises. When you have the files set, use CD burning software to create either exact copies of your albums or to mix and match the songs. Remember that a regular audio CD must be burned using WAV or AIFF files. If you want to convert the songs to MP3, you can get more music per CD, but MP3 CDs won't play in regular CD players.

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