Business & Finance Corporations

Is Medical Marijuana a Legitimate Home Business Opportunity?

The debate over weather Marijuana should be considered and used as a medicine is firing up.
Depending on where you live within the U.
there seems to be more media attention given to this topic almost daily.
With a quarter of the United States now allowing the use of Medical Marijuana, there are growing numbers of entrepreneurs heading into this new business arena.
Is this a legitimate home business opportunity, or simply a cloud of smoke that will soon be snuffed out by the government? In this article we will examine the controversial issue and address some of the most popular pros and cons surrounding the topic.
In 1972 marijuana was placed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act.
The US government considered marijuana to have "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
" Currently 13 of 50 US states have approved the medical use of marijuana for qualified patients.
Regardless of which side of the fence you stand on, many see a growing business opportunity.
The demand for information on how to own, and operate this new type of business model has quickly grown.
There are now companies conducting training seminars all around the country, which are filling up with people wanting to learn how to enter the legal Medical Marijuana Business.
There are Businesses already catering to the new demand for information.
Weekend Classes and Workshops are sprouting up like weeds.
They are attracting people from all walks of life who are willing to propagate a new marijuana business.
Proponents for the legal use of medical marijuana argue that marijuana clearly has "accepted medical benefits".
They state that it easily meets the FDA criteria as to weather a new products benefits to users will outweigh its risks.
Claims are that marijuana is a safe and effective treatment for many conditions, such as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, migraines, glaucoma, epilepsy and others.
Proponents state that thousands of yearly deaths from legal prescription drugs could be prevented if medical marijuana was to be legalized.
Opponents of medical marijuana argue that it has not been FDA-approved because it is too dangerous to use and there are already FDA-approved drugs which make the use of marijuana unnecessary.
Opponents of the issue claim that marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, injures the lungs, harms the immune system, damages the brain, interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and sends the wrong message to kids.
They say medical marijuana is simply a front for drug legalization, and that people who claim medical use are actually using if for recreational pleasure.
Whatever your view, it appears this issue is here to stay.
As with any industry, the medical marijuana business is sure to find its way into the home business market.
Already, in some states, there are those seeking out this as an entrepreneurial opportunity that is faster to get up and running and earning income than many other businesses.
There is speculation that with many state governments struggling financially, there may soon be more states looking to generate a new source of tax income.
Some claim the industry is only in its infancy and will soon be budding out all around the US.

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