How to Airbrush Drawings
- 1). Open Photoshop and click "File," then click "Open" and browse to the photograph to airbrush. Double-click it so it appears in your workspace.
- 2). Click the "New Layer" icon, which looks like a bent post-it note, on the "Layers" palette on the right side of the screen. A new Layer 1 appears; right-click it and select "Layer Properties." Rename the layer "Airbrush 1."
- 3). Click the "Paintbrush" tool on the "Tools" palette on the left side of the screen. Notice a new toolbar at the top of the screen. Pull down on the "Brush" menu and select a scattershot brush head, such as #23, #24 or #27, which will most resemble the airbrush technique. Double-click the top-left square in the "Color Picker," which is the two overlapping colored boxes. Choose a color for your airbrush and click the "OK" button.
- 4). Hover your cursor over the image and notice it changes to the airbrush. Draw the airbrush design, such as outlining a building, adding letters to a wall or making a circle around a person in the picture.
- 5). Click the "Wet Edges" box on the top toolbar, then draw another airbrush design so you can compare the two. The "Wet Edges" feature gives your airbrush more dimension, as if the wall or object texture below is showing through. This step is optional depending on your goals.
- 6). Add a new layer and name it "Airbrush 2." Choose a new color and brush head and add more designs. Repeat until you're satisfied with the picture.
- 7). Click the right-pointing triangle in a circle at the top of the "Layers" palette. Click "Flatten Image." Save the file by clicking "File," then choosing "Save As" and renaming the file; don't save over the original in case you want to access it again.
- 1). Open Paint and click "File," then "Open" and browse to where your image is located. Double-click it for it to appear in your workspace.
- 2). Click the "Spray Can" tool on the "Tools" palette on the left side of the screen. Choose a spray weight; the smaller the spray weight, the more concentrated the airbrush design. Select a color from the "Color Picker" at the bottom of the screen.
- 3). Drag your cursor on top of the image adding the spray design. To get a thick, solid spray, press and hold your mouse button down in the same spot. Add more airbrushing, changing the spray heads and colors as preferred.
- 4). Save the file by clicking "File," then choosing "Save As" and renaming the file; don't save over the original in case you want to access it again.