Advantages Of Outsourcing For The US Companies
Although the first attempts of outsourcing appeared long ago, outsourcing has gained the real popularity only recently, and its growth is constant and rather impressive.
More and more companies today delegate important tasks to their overseas partners, as soon as they understand all or some of the advantages of outsourcing to other countries.
Indeed, what are the most obvious and convincing advantages of outsourcing to India, the Philippines, Eastern Europe and other important centers of major offshore specialists? The first and the most appealing advantage of outsourcing deals with cutting the costs for the experienced labor force from abroad.
An Indian offshore IT specialist would be much happier earning from 300 to 500 hundred dollars a month working for an American company than for a local firm earning even less.
It is obvious that it goes in no comparison with what an American employer will have to pay to an experienced American IT specialist.
Both the American employer and the Indian specialist benefit from the situation.
Quite a clear advantage of outsourcing.
The second advantage of outsourcing is that an American company can invest the same amount of money that it would spend for one specialist, in two specialists, who will do the same job twice as quickly.
The main outcome of the deal is increased productivity, something that you would never achieve by means of hiring only one specialist.
The third advantage of outsourcing implies that executives get more control over their business results and can plan their activities in advance.
Control in reliability together with cost variability improvements play an important role for any prosperous businessman.
Another important advantage of outsourcing to offshore companies lays in the necessity of spending extra money on the renovation of technology each time the technology changes.
This of course requires additional funds, and can seriously affect your plans at the time when you least expect it.
On the other hand, offshore companies allocate special funds for the renovation of resources, and therefore you needn't risk buying new equipment or software, which you may even not use in the future.
This is a really important advantage of outsourcing.
The next advantage of outsourcing deals with the competition between providers of very similar products and services.
At the time when most experienced businessmen did everything they could to reduce the costs of their services and products, in order to make them cheaper and more competitive, there appeared a chance of decreasing the costs by means of employing cheaper workforce in other countries.
Avoiding the payment of taxes legally has also become possible with the appearance of offshore businesses, thus presenting one more clear advantage of outsourcing to other countries.
There are of course people who do not believe that outsourcing is an advantage, on the contrary, they would love outsourcing to be prohibited.
Such institutions and people as for example, tax offices, politicians, the unemployed are definitely against all kinds of outsourcing for obvious reasons.
However, this will most probably not stop the growing demand for offshore specialists, as there are too many who immensely benefit from them.
More and more companies today delegate important tasks to their overseas partners, as soon as they understand all or some of the advantages of outsourcing to other countries.
Indeed, what are the most obvious and convincing advantages of outsourcing to India, the Philippines, Eastern Europe and other important centers of major offshore specialists? The first and the most appealing advantage of outsourcing deals with cutting the costs for the experienced labor force from abroad.
An Indian offshore IT specialist would be much happier earning from 300 to 500 hundred dollars a month working for an American company than for a local firm earning even less.
It is obvious that it goes in no comparison with what an American employer will have to pay to an experienced American IT specialist.
Both the American employer and the Indian specialist benefit from the situation.
Quite a clear advantage of outsourcing.
The second advantage of outsourcing is that an American company can invest the same amount of money that it would spend for one specialist, in two specialists, who will do the same job twice as quickly.
The main outcome of the deal is increased productivity, something that you would never achieve by means of hiring only one specialist.
The third advantage of outsourcing implies that executives get more control over their business results and can plan their activities in advance.
Control in reliability together with cost variability improvements play an important role for any prosperous businessman.
Another important advantage of outsourcing to offshore companies lays in the necessity of spending extra money on the renovation of technology each time the technology changes.
This of course requires additional funds, and can seriously affect your plans at the time when you least expect it.
On the other hand, offshore companies allocate special funds for the renovation of resources, and therefore you needn't risk buying new equipment or software, which you may even not use in the future.
This is a really important advantage of outsourcing.
The next advantage of outsourcing deals with the competition between providers of very similar products and services.
At the time when most experienced businessmen did everything they could to reduce the costs of their services and products, in order to make them cheaper and more competitive, there appeared a chance of decreasing the costs by means of employing cheaper workforce in other countries.
Avoiding the payment of taxes legally has also become possible with the appearance of offshore businesses, thus presenting one more clear advantage of outsourcing to other countries.
There are of course people who do not believe that outsourcing is an advantage, on the contrary, they would love outsourcing to be prohibited.
Such institutions and people as for example, tax offices, politicians, the unemployed are definitely against all kinds of outsourcing for obvious reasons.
However, this will most probably not stop the growing demand for offshore specialists, as there are too many who immensely benefit from them.