The Why, When and What of Stretch Marks
Why Do We Get Stretch Marks? We get them because our skin is being pulled apart due to rapid growth.
In severe cases, the second layer of skin can also become damaged creating further deepening of stretch marks.
When Do We Get Stretch Marks? Unfortunately they are not just reserved for ladies who are pregnant.
Unfortunately anyone and everyone can develop them and do so at different times of their lives.
They are as a result of rapid growth of your skin they will and do effect both sexes.
Along with pregnancy, puberty is another common reason for stretch marks to appear.
As a teenager you experience rapid growth spurts causing your skin to be stretched and this is when they will appear.
Bodybuilders also are prone to get them as their skin is being stretched by growing muscles.
If you have experienced weight gain then you may also see stretch marks appearing.
Finally, a lesser known reason is that they are hereditary.
If your mother has been prone to stretch marks then unfortunately you maybe too.
This is where prevention is the key.
Doing something to stop the appearance of them in the first place is a much better option than waiting for them to appear.
What Can We Do To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks? If you are prepared to wait then over time they will disappear.
However if you are like me and cannot wait as it could take forever or that they are so bad that you need to do something about it then you will be looking at which are the best ways to get rid of them.
Probably the most common form of prevention and treatment are stretch mark removal creams.
You may well have also used cocoa butter or Vitamin E gel during pregnancy to try and prevent them from appearing.
I have to say for me personally cocoa butter did not prevent them.
Another option but one that you must do with care and use a high factor sun screen is to get a tan although I would not recommend this as you only have one skin and a stretch mark removal cream, vitamin E or Aloe Vera would in my opinion be a better option.
Which ever way you decide to tackle those horrible silver lines that appear, whether you are looking to prevent them in the first place or try and get rid of existing ones the choice is yours.
In severe cases, the second layer of skin can also become damaged creating further deepening of stretch marks.
When Do We Get Stretch Marks? Unfortunately they are not just reserved for ladies who are pregnant.
Unfortunately anyone and everyone can develop them and do so at different times of their lives.
They are as a result of rapid growth of your skin they will and do effect both sexes.
Along with pregnancy, puberty is another common reason for stretch marks to appear.
As a teenager you experience rapid growth spurts causing your skin to be stretched and this is when they will appear.
Bodybuilders also are prone to get them as their skin is being stretched by growing muscles.
If you have experienced weight gain then you may also see stretch marks appearing.
Finally, a lesser known reason is that they are hereditary.
If your mother has been prone to stretch marks then unfortunately you maybe too.
This is where prevention is the key.
Doing something to stop the appearance of them in the first place is a much better option than waiting for them to appear.
What Can We Do To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks? If you are prepared to wait then over time they will disappear.
However if you are like me and cannot wait as it could take forever or that they are so bad that you need to do something about it then you will be looking at which are the best ways to get rid of them.
Probably the most common form of prevention and treatment are stretch mark removal creams.
You may well have also used cocoa butter or Vitamin E gel during pregnancy to try and prevent them from appearing.
I have to say for me personally cocoa butter did not prevent them.
Another option but one that you must do with care and use a high factor sun screen is to get a tan although I would not recommend this as you only have one skin and a stretch mark removal cream, vitamin E or Aloe Vera would in my opinion be a better option.
Which ever way you decide to tackle those horrible silver lines that appear, whether you are looking to prevent them in the first place or try and get rid of existing ones the choice is yours.