What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud POS
Point of sales software is evolving rapidly. A web-based version of POS interface has taken the place of the old complex software that used to run on systems installed at user's end. The new modern, leaner and simpler POS versions have given a complete makeover to consumer retail stores. These are accessible through handheld internet devices such as - smartphones, iPhones or iPads and thus, allow businesses to go mobile.
As compared to the traditional, clunky and expensive POS systems web-based versions are lighter, portable and offer cost advantages. As a result, smaller retailers are gradually moving away from the traditional versions and paving the way for wider acceptance of hosted point of sales software solutions.
Cloud point of sales software
Adoption of cloud has freed enterprise applications from complex hardware and software requirements. Software-as-a-service solution providers offer enterprise applications hosted somewhere in cloud that can be accessed on the systems at 'users' end' via internet. Users can directly download the application on a web browser and start using it - allowing your brick and mortar business to go online.
These require no hardware and networking infrastructure and thus, offer cost advantages over on-premise solutions. Most online POS software are compatible with POS hardware like cash drawers and printers and don't require support of additional software.
But like any other business applications it is not a solution to all your problems and has its sets of pros and cons. This article has discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud POS to help you make an informed decision.
Advantages of POS software system
Centralized information: The online version allows users to store all customer information at one place and also conduct business from it. When you have customer details stored at one place you can bank on that in building a personalized relationship with your clients and drive in more business. Moreover, it is a smarter approach towards preserving your business's valuable raw material, i.e. customer. Restaurant POS system store customer information as well as integrates the back office with the front desk for smooth functioning.
Single user interface: You no longer have to do the run around in taking orders, receiving payments, returning balances etc. All these now can be taken care of from the point of sales interface of your restaurant. A restaurant POS system may have functionalities like self service interface, menu, multiple menus, customer receipts, bar tab, credit card processing, item modifications and deletion, promos/buybacks/coupons and more.
Accessibility: The web-based POS is accessible on web browser and is designed to offer more interactive user interface. HTML5 enabled point of sales software is visually enriched, fast, interactive and even intuitive. Further, these offer data storing and sharing facilities on cloud.
No hardware requirements: Unlike the traditional inflexible POS systems, that required a lot of hardware modifications, online POS systems are available on web browsers. The hardware requirements are normally taken care of by the service provider.
Upgrades: Since cloud POS is offered as software as a service the system in maintained and managed by the third-part service provider. Normally the service provider takes the initiative in upgrading the versions of the application time-to-time and made those available to users.
Easy pay-for-use: Web-based POS don't lock you into a binding contract with your service provider and hence, do not demand huge upfront investment. Online point of sales application is flexible and the users are required to pay only for their usage. It is more like a partnership model and the user can cancel the agreement anytime if he is not happy with the services.
Web-based POS isn't free from limitations. But none of those are insurmountable. Following are some of its pitfalls.
Outage: Outage is the most serious challenge faced by enterprise applications of today. Although internet connectivity had improved a great deal there are still treats of connectivity loss (and this can happen either at service provider's end or at your end). This would mean loss of business for hours and even days. This can be avoided by choosing a vendor with strong networking infrastructure and by distributing data between several cloud datacenters.
Data security: Ensuring effective data security is another challenge to overcome, especially, if you are opting for multi-tenant public cloud setup. Check the service level agreement of the service provider to ensure that effective measures have been placed to ensure data security of users.
As compared to the traditional, clunky and expensive POS systems web-based versions are lighter, portable and offer cost advantages. As a result, smaller retailers are gradually moving away from the traditional versions and paving the way for wider acceptance of hosted point of sales software solutions.
Cloud point of sales software
Adoption of cloud has freed enterprise applications from complex hardware and software requirements. Software-as-a-service solution providers offer enterprise applications hosted somewhere in cloud that can be accessed on the systems at 'users' end' via internet. Users can directly download the application on a web browser and start using it - allowing your brick and mortar business to go online.
These require no hardware and networking infrastructure and thus, offer cost advantages over on-premise solutions. Most online POS software are compatible with POS hardware like cash drawers and printers and don't require support of additional software.
But like any other business applications it is not a solution to all your problems and has its sets of pros and cons. This article has discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud POS to help you make an informed decision.
Advantages of POS software system
Centralized information: The online version allows users to store all customer information at one place and also conduct business from it. When you have customer details stored at one place you can bank on that in building a personalized relationship with your clients and drive in more business. Moreover, it is a smarter approach towards preserving your business's valuable raw material, i.e. customer. Restaurant POS system store customer information as well as integrates the back office with the front desk for smooth functioning.
Single user interface: You no longer have to do the run around in taking orders, receiving payments, returning balances etc. All these now can be taken care of from the point of sales interface of your restaurant. A restaurant POS system may have functionalities like self service interface, menu, multiple menus, customer receipts, bar tab, credit card processing, item modifications and deletion, promos/buybacks/coupons and more.
Accessibility: The web-based POS is accessible on web browser and is designed to offer more interactive user interface. HTML5 enabled point of sales software is visually enriched, fast, interactive and even intuitive. Further, these offer data storing and sharing facilities on cloud.
No hardware requirements: Unlike the traditional inflexible POS systems, that required a lot of hardware modifications, online POS systems are available on web browsers. The hardware requirements are normally taken care of by the service provider.
Upgrades: Since cloud POS is offered as software as a service the system in maintained and managed by the third-part service provider. Normally the service provider takes the initiative in upgrading the versions of the application time-to-time and made those available to users.
Easy pay-for-use: Web-based POS don't lock you into a binding contract with your service provider and hence, do not demand huge upfront investment. Online point of sales application is flexible and the users are required to pay only for their usage. It is more like a partnership model and the user can cancel the agreement anytime if he is not happy with the services.
Web-based POS isn't free from limitations. But none of those are insurmountable. Following are some of its pitfalls.
Outage: Outage is the most serious challenge faced by enterprise applications of today. Although internet connectivity had improved a great deal there are still treats of connectivity loss (and this can happen either at service provider's end or at your end). This would mean loss of business for hours and even days. This can be avoided by choosing a vendor with strong networking infrastructure and by distributing data between several cloud datacenters.
Data security: Ensuring effective data security is another challenge to overcome, especially, if you are opting for multi-tenant public cloud setup. Check the service level agreement of the service provider to ensure that effective measures have been placed to ensure data security of users.