Health & Medical Health Care

Requirements for a Nursing Home Resident

    Resident Care Plans

    • Nursing homes must complete initial assessments and care plans on each resident.nursing duties image by Pix by Marti from

      Conduct an initial comprehensive assessment on every resident and develop an individual care plan based on the resident's assessment. The care plan must prevent the resident's deterioration in daily activities such as bathing, grooming, ambulating and transferring, eating, communicating and toileting. Provide services to maintain personal oral hygiene, good nutrition/hydration and grooming if residents cannot do so on their own. Residents must be kept from developing pressure sores. If a resident already has pressure sores, provide treatment to prevent infection and development of new sores. Provide treatment and devices to maintain vision and hearing. Incontinent residents must be provided treatment to restore normal bladder function as much as possible. Provide adequate supervision to prevent accidents. Avoid significant medication errors.

    Quality of Life


    • Residents' pharmaceutical needs must be met.pharmacie image by muro from

      Pharmaceutical services must be provided to meet the needs of residents and may be administered by the nursing home in a way that allows the nursing home to use its resources effectively and cost-efficiently. The nursing home must maintain accurate, complete and easily accessible clinical records on residents. Residents must be provided services to maintain security for their belongings, access to their information, and have an advocate with whom to voice their concerns and complaints.

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