Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Cleaning and Replacing Hot Tub Filters

Hot tub filters are components that help to remove fine particles, bodily oils, grease and other debris from your hot tub spa, making them important to enjoying relaxing in beautifully crystal clear water.
In keeping your hot tub filter clean, it improves the efficiency of the filter and gives it a longer lifespan, meaning you benefit from cheaper running cost of your hot tub or spa.
It is best to keep to a regular filter cleaning routine, approximately every two to three weeks depending on how often you use the Jacuzzi and what product you buy to sanitise it.
Be aware of reading all product instructions though as they can vary between different cleansing products.
In order to start the cleaning process the filter cartridge should be removed from its position in the hot tub and washed out with a hose or underneath a running tap.
The water should be allowed to flow against the filter casing at approximately 45 degrees and all grit and detritus removed.
The cartridge unit should then be soaked for a minimum of six hours in a filter cleaner solution and then rinsed out and left to dry naturally.
Artificial heat will damage the filter component and mean early replacement.
In order to maximise the working life of the filter you should keep the water in the spa in proper ph balance, never be overly vigorous when cleaning the filter, and most importantly, allow the filter to dry out completely before replacing it in the hot tub.
It is useful to keep two sets of filters at one time in order to let the filter cartridge dry out completely.
Even though a filter should last approximately twelve months, there is no defined life span as they have no moving parts.
However, there are a number of things to look out for when deciding if a filter cartridge needs to be replaced.
Physical failure in the filter such as a crack or tear in the body or mesh is the most obvious but lower flow rates, shorter periods between cleaning and general poor water quality are also signs that the filter may well be on its way out and need replacing.
When the time comes for the Hot Tub filter to be replaced, the best solution for keeping the water clean and you relaxed is to use the same manufacturers product and serial identification number, usually found on the bottom of the filter.
This ensure that no mistake can be made as it should be known that filters do not all come in the same shape and sizes and are not cross compatible.
Be aware, the wrong filter can lead to problems with your hot tub so it is best to get it right!

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