Intelligence of Jupiter
In the Western Occult Tradition, each planet has traditionally possessed both a spirit and an intelligence: ethereal souls (sometimes called daemons) responsible for the baleful and beneficial influences (respectively) of the individual planet. After all, even humans have souls, and the planets of the Celestial realm are far more spiritual, existing closer to God and constructed of a much more rarefied matter.
It was therefore logical to occultists that the planets also possessed their own souls.
It was therefore logical to occultists that the planets also possessed their own souls.
Identity of the Intelligence
The name of Jupiter's intelligence, responsible for the planet's beneficial influences, is Johphiel.Construction of the Planetary Sigil
This sigil, published by Henry Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy and frequently repeated in other publications, is constructed through numerology and magic squares. The name Johphiel is spelled out in Hebrew, and then each Hebrew letter is associated with a number, as the Hebrew language inherently does. Each number is located on the magic square associated with Jupiter, and a line is drawn to pass through each number.Aesthetic Choices
The terminating circles at each end of the line appear to have been added for purely aesthetic reasons. Many hold that the sigil can also be freely rotated, either for aesthetic purposes or to further disguise the meaning and method of construction of the sigil.Purpose of The Sigil
This sigil would be used to attract the beneficial influences of Jupiter, which according to Agrippa includes gains and riches, favor and love, peace, concord, appeasement of enemies, confirmation of honors, dignities and counsels, and dissolving of enchantments.Read more:More Correspondences of Jupiter