Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Prostate Cancer Treatment in India under Proficient & Skilled Physicians at Jaslok Health Group

Prostate Cancer Treatment in India is done at Jaslok under finest medical supervision with the help of certified and experienced surgeons and physicians. The team of physicians and surgeons make exceptional analysis of the patients to improve their current status to a normal status. Prostate Cancer is a form of Cancer that develops in the Prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. The Cancer cells may metastasize from the Prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. Prostate Cancer may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse. Other symptoms can potentially develop during later stages of the disease. Prostate Cancer Treatment in India is the best verdict for the patients who are suffering from Prostate Cancer.

Rates of detection of Prostate Cancers vary widely across the world, with South and East Asia detecting seldom than in Europe, and especially the United States. Prostate Cancer tends to develop in men over the age of fifty and although it is one of the most prevalent types of Cancer in men, many never have symptoms, undergo no therapy, and eventually die of other causes. This is because Cancer of the Prostate in most cases is slow-growing, symptom free and men with the diagnosed condition often die of causes unrelated to the Prostate Cancer, such as heart/circulatory disease, pneumonia, other unconnected Cancers, or old age. Many factors, including genetics and diet, have been implicated in the development of Prostate Cancer. The presence of Prostate Cancer may be indicated by symptoms, physical examination, Prostate specific antigen (PSA), or biopsy. There is controversy about the accuracy of the PSA test and the value of screening. Suspected Prostate Cancer is typically confirmed by taking a biopsy of the Prostate and examining it under a microscope. Further tests, such as CT scans and bone, may be performed to determine whether Prostate Cancer has spread.

Most Prostate Cancers begin in the outer part of the Prostate. The Cancer must be identified before it presses on the urethra and obstructs with the urination. In the early stages, Prostate Cancer is curable. With prompt treatment the percentage of men who survive longer than 10 years is roughly equal to that of men who never had Prostate Cancer.  If Prostate Cancer is permissible to develop without treatment, it may spread to other organs, causing disability and sometimes death. Advanced Prostate Cancer is more likely to cause symptoms, which may lead a man to see an urologist for diagnosis. Unfortunately, by the time Prostate Cancer has reached this stage, it is less responsive to treatment. If the results of DRE suggest the presence of Cancer, your urologist may recommend that other test be performed which help detect Prostate Cancer or indicate the extent of the Cancer's growth. To confirm the presence of Cancer, the urologist may perform a biopsy attaining a small sample of the suspected Cancer for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. If a diagnosis of Prostate Cancer is made, the urologist will generally recommend treatment.

How Prostate Cancer is treated depends upon the stages of Cancer, the aggressive nature of the Cancer, the age of the patient, the patient's overall health and side effects of different treatments. Because so many different options exist, the treatment of Prostate Cancer should be carefully weighed by you and your urologist. One of the treatment options, no matte what the stage is "watchful waiting". Possible signs of Prostate Cancer include a weak flow of urine or frequent urination. These and other symptoms may be caused by Prostate Cancer. Other conditions may cause the same symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
  • Frequent urination (especially at night).
  • Trouble urinating.
  • Pain or burning during urination.
  • Blood in the urine or semen.
  • A pain in the back, hips, or pelvis that doesn't go away.
  • Painful ejaculation.

India has most excellent qualified professionals in various fields; in fact many Indians are currently working at peak positions with preeminent companies and organizations around the world. As to the Medical Facilities and Amenities in India, one can say that Indian quality of treatment and hospitality both are on par with International standards and are yet very cost effective compared to its International counterparts. India is one of the leading nations to provide finest quality of treatment and skilled surgeons & physicians. Medical Tourism in India plays a pivotal role to provide health care with relaxation. Recreational packages are provided by Medical Tourism to the patients coming in India for treatments. Prostate Cancer Treatment in India is done at best and fully equipped hospitals. Jaslok hospitals are one of the most acknowledged and prominent hospital in India. Surgeons and physicians at Jaslok are medically acclaimed and qualified from best universities in degree of medicine and surgery.

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