Health & Medical Women's Health

Otoplasty - Know Why Childhood is the Best Time For the Procedure

The cosmetic surgical procedure which alters the shape and size of the ears is called otoplasty.
This is one of the few cosmetic surgeries that is often recommended to be performed in childhood rather than waiting for adulthood.
One reason to have cosmetic ear surgery in the early stages of life is because of a child's developing sense of self and confidence.
If a child has an unusual or odd physical trait, such as ears that stick out, the youngster will most likely face much teasing from other children.
This can be devastating to a newly emerging self image.
The child may become withdrawn, embarrassed and feel unworthy or even inferior to his or her peers.
Damaged self esteem spills into other areas of life, as well, often causing an inferiority complex that may lead to poor grades and troubled social relationships.
Another reason to have otoplasty performed during childhood is because the cartilage is more flexible and therefore easier to manipulate than it will become in later years.
The human ear reaches maturity by approximate age six, which may be the optimum time to make the change.
During the surgery, the physician will make an incision behind the ear and then fold the cartilage into the proper position.
The area will be stitched closed both internally and externally.
Often the internal sutures will be left permanently in order to provide stability.
At times skin and cartilage will need to be removed in order to have the optimum result.
Because of the location of the incisions, the scars are rarely noticeable.
This surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis and will often take one or two hours to complete.
A younger child may be placed under a general anesthetic while an older child or teenager may only need a local anesthetic along with a sedative.
A compression headband will need to be worn from two to four weeks in order to aid in healing.
Bruising and swelling will disappear within a few weeks and pain will subside even earlier.
It is important to apply sunscreen regularly to the area for at least one year.
Some risks for this surgery include adverse reactions to the anesthetic, bleeding or infection.
There are also incidents where a stitch may pop through or work its way loose and need to be re-sewn.
These risks are rare, however.
Most often, the procedure of otoplasty does a world of good.
It enables a child to feel better about his looks which will in turn boost his confidence and his chance of having a healthy and productive life.

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