Health & Medical Women's Health

Is Tubal Reversal A Medical Necessity?

When a woman is suffering with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome is tubal reversal a medical necessity? For the women that suffer the answer is an astounding yes.
For some in the medical field the answer is a no.
Why is this? Because many in the medical field do not believe that PTLS actually happens to women.
There have been studies performed and so far, the medical community is not accepting PTLS as a good reason to have tubal reversal surgery.
This is where the problem is.
Although there are many in the medical field that do not believe that Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome is real there are many women suffering from it.
The medical community will not accept it and there is no major medical insurance company that will cover a reversal.
This is something that women all over the world are speaking out about.
So, if you feel that you may be suffering with PTLS what do you do? Most go to a physician and explain that they feel it is the tubal ligation causing issues.
A majority of patients leave the physicians office frustrated.
They know there is something wrong but they cannot get anyone to listen.
Or, they go to the doctor's office and get a bunch of medical tests ordered.
All of the tests will come back with what is known as the "normal ranges".
Medical tests say everything is okay and physician feels that PTLS doesn't happen.
Patient feels betrayed and knows there is something wrong.
What women are discovering is that there are others who are actually getting relief from PTLS and getting their lives back.
They are finding relief through tubal ligation reversal surgery.
Tubal reversal is where a surgeon actually repairs the damaged fallopian tubes.
There have been many women who report almost instant relief.
The erratic mood swings begin to subside and their periods return to normal.
The concentration level begins to come back like it was before the tubal ligation.
They actually begin to enjoy life again.
Tubal ligation reversal helps to restore their lives.
And they are spreading the world to thousands of other women.
What many women do is start a savings account to be able to pay for the surgery.
A prepayment plan is the answer to many.
As they save they add it to account and then they are able to book their surgery date.
Researching is a key factor in finding relief from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.
The more educated a woman is the better her chances are of finding a leading reversal surgeon.
The experience of the surgeon is a very important factor.
PTLS has been around for as long a tubal ligation has.
Women who suffer often feel alone and frustrated.
After a while they may begin to feel that it is "all in their heads".
And, anyone who has suffered and had the reversal surgery will tell another it does happen.
Although we cannot change how the medical community views this we can certainly let other know there is help.

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