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Simple Eye Exercises for Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a form of refractive error.
Basically it's when the meridians of the eyeball fail to come together to a single point.
So when the lines come in to your eye from a horizontal plain, they do not meet the same point as the lines coming from the vertical point.
Most cases of Astigmatism are caused by unequal tension of the upper and lower Recti Muscles.
This is opposed to the muscles on either side.
The result is a flattening of the eye in one meridian.
When you relax and there is no eye strain present the error is reduced.
So the muscles need to be trained to develop new habits.
And a reasonable amount of time must be allowed for this.
The symptoms which accompany astigmatism vary greatly.
With some people there is just a tired feeling in the eyes.
Other have severe headache, gastric distress or increased nervousness.
There is rarely a complaint of impaired vision - that's the usual symptom of myopia.
Usually myopic (nearsighted) astigmatism does not cause as much distress as hyperopic (farsighted) astigmatism.
Astigmatism can occur at any age.
It seldom occurs in the young.
And it is most likely in late puberty.
So what causes astigmatism? The cause of astigmatism is a strain and this is usually caused by stress.
Worry increases muscle tension and decreases muscle co-ordination.
Failure of normal muscle co-ordination produces astigmatism.
By treating the nervous centres and releasing the strain on the nervous centres the patient can be carried over the period of stress and the eyes will return to normal when the body is healthy.
Treatment for Astigmatism The person needs to follow the exercises for farsightedness.
Blink frequently.
Shift frequently.
Place a Snellen test card 10 to 20 feet from you and without glasses read each letter.
Make sure you BLINK after each letter.
Read the four smallest lines you are able to see.
Do this for at least five minutes.
Read the card with each eye by itself, covering the other eye without touching it.
Also make sure you read the last four lines you can read.
Stand as you read the card and sway slowly and smoothly from side to side.
Continue to blink after each letter.
Do this for five minutes.
Repeat the reading and swaying, using one eye at a time.
Do this for five minutes.
Hold a book fourteen inches from your eyes.
Blink twice to a line and read without glasses.
Do not hurry when you do this.
Read from five to ten minutes.
Read one word at a time.
Next read microscopic print seven inches from your eyes.
Make sure you measure the distance with a ruler.
Blink frequently.
Look at the microscopic print for three minutes.
Then rest for one minute.
Now go back and read the print for another three minutes.
You should keep these exercises up for one month.
When these exercises are performed continuously, easily and normally the eye is relaxed and the vision is normal.
Fifteen minutes a day is sufficient to give good results in moderate cases.
An hour a day is sufficient in severe cases.
One month of exercising will cure a simple case while several months may be needed for advanced cases.
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