Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Tick Removal With Shampoo

    • 1). Place your pet in a bathtub or washtub filled with warm, not hot, water. Use a plastic cup to pour the water gently over your pet until its coat is saturated, starting at its head, avoiding its eyes and working your way to the tip of the tail.

    • 2). Apply shampoo to your pet's head and lather well, spreading the lather over its head and ears. Avoid getting shampoo in your pet's eyes. Work your way over its entire body, legs, chest and belly to the tip of the tail. Spread the lather into the foot pads as well.

    • 3). Leave the lather on your pet as directed by the instructions on the bottle. The recommended time is usually around five minutes.

    • 4). Rinse your pet thoroughly with clean, warm water.

    • 5). Dry your pet thoroughly and use a pet comb or brush to thoroughly groom the coat and remove all dead parasites.

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