Technology Networking & Internet

Taking the Mystery Out of 4G Wireless Networks Today

For those living in Texas, like in the rest of the country, the world wide web has had an increasingly important role in daily personal and professional life.
For anyone who is still trying to make things work via a slower connection or one that tethers the user to a particular spot, there can definitely be drawbacks.
That's why it's so important to think about fourth generation wireless as a superior method for connecting.
Here are five reasons to choose it over typical sedentary ways of getting online.
#1 - It increases options for telecommuters.
Being able to move about freely, not just at home but throughout the city and around the state and country, means the chance to work remotely without being worried about the connection.
And for those who are searching for work online these days, it also means more options are available, thanks to a reliable form of web access that can travel.
Wireless internet means being able to move to where it's better to be online.
#2 - It frees those usually stuck at a desk.
Whether it's hours of playing computer games online or having to freelance from home and never actually feeling free, time spent trapped at a desk can be time that feels a bit grating on the soul.
With a connection that makes it possible to take a laptop to somewhere else, there comes the benefit of being able to change the environment.
And whether it's for work or simply to be more aware of how much time is being spent online, this is one of the factors of being connected via wireless internet that is the most helpful.
#3 - It's where the future is heading.
With WiMax already taking over Wi-Fi, the fact is that truly mobile web is not something far off; it's already here.
And for those who want to be on the cutting edge in the business world or simply know that they understand the latest technology, it's just more viable to make that switch now.
After all, it's not going to be long before the rest of the wired population of Lubbock is also upgrading, so getting on board sooner rather than later is definitely a plus.
#4 - It's easier than using a smartphone for all things important.
Anyone who is trying to conduct serious business via a smartphone is going to be in for a world of stress.
Tiny screens and even tinier keypads are likely to cause difficulty when it comes to firing off something succinct and free of typos.
So anyone who wants to make the right impression on higher ups at work or get more clients for a freelance business would do well to whip out the laptop when it's time for important writing, rather than relying on a nifty but ultimately less helpful cell phone.
#5 - It makes it possible for multiple people to be online at the same time.
This might not be something that people who are living alone are thinking about when it comes to web access, but for those who are sharing a single connection point, waiting in line to use the computer can sometimes be a bit stressful.
Whether it's needing to get work done and having a teenager who is perpetually on Facebook or simply trying to soothe the irritation of having miniature fights with a spouse about who gets to use a computer more, those who have a laptop around the house, too, will find that wireless internet makes it possible for multiple people to be working at the same time.
And in a household with many people--or a living situation with roommates--it means being able to move around easier and have more connections for less than it costs to get the cable company to dole out multiple modems.

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