Karma effects and Qaddafi horoscope
When the karma effects are being discussed in our forum, it has been the desire of the participants to know and understand the same using realtime charts.
I was explaining about the Horoscope and Karma of Libyan past President Qaddafi, who was killed mercilessly by the people. I have made detailed observations about his chart.
He was born in Libya on 7th June 1942 and based on the details available i prepared the chart and analyzed the same. He was the one born with Perfect KALASARPA DOSHA. The people with this Dosha and having Ascendant as leo afflicted by Rahu is the most cruel combination for a human being. They cannot be called as humans and will have the nature like a nasty and violent animal.
He has the lagna lord in 10th house, being SUN and enemy house lord under lagna lord control will help in eradicating the enemies in any manner he wants to do so. All powerful lagna lord SUN gives the highest authority in government. But lagna afflicted with Rahu will tend to make things worst for the normal government functioning. People with such combinations will have cruel ideas and thoughts and will not be like a normal humans.
This is the kind of Karma which I was explaining in my articles where one has to be careful while taking on them. One has to watch bad periods for such horoscopes and it will be easy to overcome them during such periods or some one else more powerful than HIM, emerge to overthrow such people. In both the cases Karma effects should operate perfectly for both.
By virtue of his past Janma Karma ( it has been inherited through his paternal grand father), he got such strong unshakeble Lagna lord with Rahu perfectly afflicted. As per his chart, He would have been born in a nasty/dirty place surrounded by forests. His father would not have survived long and Qaddafi would have not had good house or living style till about 30 years of age. This is the nature of Kala sarpa dosha, where these people will have one half of the life very bad ( meaning that life style will not be even modest), but the other period of life will be very luxurious.
These people normally would like to be independant and it is difficult for anyone else to get close to them. No one can predict when they will go against a person supposed to be close to them and get killed even. One has to be very careful while dealing such horoscopes and people.
Now let us come to the Karma effects on this personality. From 1969/70, he has been powerful dictator and has been almost a king of this country. His grand father fought for freedom from Italians where as this man became dictator of the same country. After taking over, he was so powerful (it is karma), indulged in all sorts of bad deeds.
As everyone was aware of his nature of functioning ( he never occupied any high positions nor had any administrative training), but studied in military academy. This has made him so cruel( with Karma favouring), he was living unchallenged till about 8 months back.
Now during this period of his ruling the country from 1969 till 2011, several hundreds of people were harassed /killed and they all would have taken birth with the same kind of vengeance in the next birth. When one watches the video shown on TV on how he was dragged and killed by young people, one can see all the people involved would have been in the age group of 20 and above but below 30. These were the youngsters in their last birth would have faced harassments/ got killed mercilesly by this man.
When they take birth again, Qaddafi also getting bad period results in the same way where he is dargged to the street and injured very badly, before he dies. Look at the cruelty he had to face in the hands of his own people.
These things happen (as I have been repeatedly pointing out) when a person gets very favourable position in life and turn arrogant when no human is able to counter him. Also when all the things one do, if there are no setbacks , then he will become more and more arrogant. Such life comes to a person once in centuries, but if he realizing the fact that birth/death is a cycle, and that whatever he does will hit him back, then Karma could have been somewhat saved.
Now look at his kith and kin. Whether are died or alive cannot think of having ordinary life anymore. In addition if they are no more, then alongwith this man they all will have worst generations ahead for many births.
It is due this reason, great sages have always ensured that they never get into the taste of comforts and/or luxurious livings etc.. Whatever one does during this birth (generation) will always follow him and he/she should ensure not to take with them others too.
Hence, astrology is the real and perfect science where with the birth chart, the Karma of the person and destiny can be assessed very well in advance. By having such perfect forecast, it is not so difficult to streamline the life of the person with proper guidance and control.
I would like to point out that this world has been having births and deaths of people indulged in arrogance/harassing others etc., Right from Kings /rulers down to local rich people of the village, have always been indulging in such activities. This kind of actions has resulted in bad karma for some and good for someone else.
This will never change and the globe has to always have such kind of people unless everyone is taught about birth/death cycle. Everyone should be made to realize the fact that whatever kind of abnormal things they do, will bounceback on them. Unfortunately except in Hinduism and other such religeons there is no stress on this subject. The Gurukul system in Hinduism is the finest form of living model for the humans. It teaches the simplicity and make one to realize THE ALMIGHTY.
Today, unfortunately I find many people think they are above everything and especially those who hold high positions in the Government, think that they can never be challenged. I have come across many families and horoscopes and cautioned them well inadvance about the adverse effect they will face at the old age, for all their actions. They never listened to such things, but after losing all their assets, I find their kith and kin suffer from dreaded diseases.
The Karma will always work as per their actions only. But it is the duty of every human to understand and follow the path of Karma with care. Whenever there is a feeling that due to our actions someone else gets hurt, ensure that immediately rectify the situation. Always ensure not to indulge in someothers problems/complications without knowing their Karma well.
I will continue with realtime charts on karma effects in subsequent articles.
I was explaining about the Horoscope and Karma of Libyan past President Qaddafi, who was killed mercilessly by the people. I have made detailed observations about his chart.
He was born in Libya on 7th June 1942 and based on the details available i prepared the chart and analyzed the same. He was the one born with Perfect KALASARPA DOSHA. The people with this Dosha and having Ascendant as leo afflicted by Rahu is the most cruel combination for a human being. They cannot be called as humans and will have the nature like a nasty and violent animal.
He has the lagna lord in 10th house, being SUN and enemy house lord under lagna lord control will help in eradicating the enemies in any manner he wants to do so. All powerful lagna lord SUN gives the highest authority in government. But lagna afflicted with Rahu will tend to make things worst for the normal government functioning. People with such combinations will have cruel ideas and thoughts and will not be like a normal humans.
This is the kind of Karma which I was explaining in my articles where one has to be careful while taking on them. One has to watch bad periods for such horoscopes and it will be easy to overcome them during such periods or some one else more powerful than HIM, emerge to overthrow such people. In both the cases Karma effects should operate perfectly for both.
By virtue of his past Janma Karma ( it has been inherited through his paternal grand father), he got such strong unshakeble Lagna lord with Rahu perfectly afflicted. As per his chart, He would have been born in a nasty/dirty place surrounded by forests. His father would not have survived long and Qaddafi would have not had good house or living style till about 30 years of age. This is the nature of Kala sarpa dosha, where these people will have one half of the life very bad ( meaning that life style will not be even modest), but the other period of life will be very luxurious.
These people normally would like to be independant and it is difficult for anyone else to get close to them. No one can predict when they will go against a person supposed to be close to them and get killed even. One has to be very careful while dealing such horoscopes and people.
Now let us come to the Karma effects on this personality. From 1969/70, he has been powerful dictator and has been almost a king of this country. His grand father fought for freedom from Italians where as this man became dictator of the same country. After taking over, he was so powerful (it is karma), indulged in all sorts of bad deeds.
As everyone was aware of his nature of functioning ( he never occupied any high positions nor had any administrative training), but studied in military academy. This has made him so cruel( with Karma favouring), he was living unchallenged till about 8 months back.
Now during this period of his ruling the country from 1969 till 2011, several hundreds of people were harassed /killed and they all would have taken birth with the same kind of vengeance in the next birth. When one watches the video shown on TV on how he was dragged and killed by young people, one can see all the people involved would have been in the age group of 20 and above but below 30. These were the youngsters in their last birth would have faced harassments/ got killed mercilesly by this man.
When they take birth again, Qaddafi also getting bad period results in the same way where he is dargged to the street and injured very badly, before he dies. Look at the cruelty he had to face in the hands of his own people.
These things happen (as I have been repeatedly pointing out) when a person gets very favourable position in life and turn arrogant when no human is able to counter him. Also when all the things one do, if there are no setbacks , then he will become more and more arrogant. Such life comes to a person once in centuries, but if he realizing the fact that birth/death is a cycle, and that whatever he does will hit him back, then Karma could have been somewhat saved.
Now look at his kith and kin. Whether are died or alive cannot think of having ordinary life anymore. In addition if they are no more, then alongwith this man they all will have worst generations ahead for many births.
It is due this reason, great sages have always ensured that they never get into the taste of comforts and/or luxurious livings etc.. Whatever one does during this birth (generation) will always follow him and he/she should ensure not to take with them others too.
Hence, astrology is the real and perfect science where with the birth chart, the Karma of the person and destiny can be assessed very well in advance. By having such perfect forecast, it is not so difficult to streamline the life of the person with proper guidance and control.
I would like to point out that this world has been having births and deaths of people indulged in arrogance/harassing others etc., Right from Kings /rulers down to local rich people of the village, have always been indulging in such activities. This kind of actions has resulted in bad karma for some and good for someone else.
This will never change and the globe has to always have such kind of people unless everyone is taught about birth/death cycle. Everyone should be made to realize the fact that whatever kind of abnormal things they do, will bounceback on them. Unfortunately except in Hinduism and other such religeons there is no stress on this subject. The Gurukul system in Hinduism is the finest form of living model for the humans. It teaches the simplicity and make one to realize THE ALMIGHTY.
Today, unfortunately I find many people think they are above everything and especially those who hold high positions in the Government, think that they can never be challenged. I have come across many families and horoscopes and cautioned them well inadvance about the adverse effect they will face at the old age, for all their actions. They never listened to such things, but after losing all their assets, I find their kith and kin suffer from dreaded diseases.
The Karma will always work as per their actions only. But it is the duty of every human to understand and follow the path of Karma with care. Whenever there is a feeling that due to our actions someone else gets hurt, ensure that immediately rectify the situation. Always ensure not to indulge in someothers problems/complications without knowing their Karma well.
I will continue with realtime charts on karma effects in subsequent articles.