How to Use a Canon G7 as a Webcam
- 1). Insert the CD that came with your Canon camera into your computer's CD drive. This CD contains ancillary software that comes bundled with the Canon G7.
- 2). Follow the instructions on-screen to install all the software bundled with the Canon G7.
- 3). Connect your Canon G7 to your computer with a USB cable. Plug the small end of the USB cable into your camera on the side, and the wide end into an available USB port on the front or back of your camera.
- 4). Open "ZoomBrowswer EX" from the Start menu. ZoomBrowser EX is located in the Start menu under "Programs," "Canon Utilities," "ZoomBrowser EX" and "Zoom Browser EX."
- 5). Click "Camera and Memory Card" in the pane on the left side of the screen, once ZoomBrowser EX has finished starting up.
- 6). Click "Remote Shooting" at the bottom of the same pane to allow the computer to control the camera's settings. A window showing whatever the camera sees will open up, allowing you to aim your webcam at your subject, whatever it may be.
- 7). Open your webcam compatible chat program.
- 8). Configure your chat program to use the feed from the Canon G7 as a live stream for webcasting. Each program does this differently, so consult your program's included documentation for exact instructions. But your are essentially selecting the Canon G7 as the source or primary camera that your chat program will use as a video feed.