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Hamster Breeders" Common Mistakes That You Can Avoid

If you want to become a successful hamster breeder, you need to make sure that you avoid the common mistakes that most hamster breeders make.
This is very essential to maintain any hamsters' health.
The following are the most common mistakes that you can avoid to successfully breed your hamsters.
Many hamster breeders commit a lot of mistakes due to the fact that they do not really do a lot of research.
One of the most common errors that people do is breed any hamsters without even knowing their health status.
It's very important that breeders know if the hamsters they're trying to breed have illnesses.
If they're bred with other hamsters, they tend to spread the diseases to the other hamsters and even produce very unhealthy offspring.
Knowing the exact combination for breeding hamsters is also very important.
Don't ever breed brothers and sisters.
They don't produce great offspring and are usually found unhealthy once they're born.
Breed fathers to daughters and mothers to sons as an alternative.
These combination would normally result to healthier baby hamsters.
You should not breed a female hamster that's less than 4 months old.
More often than not, young females will not become good mothers.
They're found to be hamster mothers who tend to eat their offspring once they're touched.
So, make sure to breed females that are more than 4 months old.
Once the baby hamsters are delivered, avoid disturbing the mothers as much as possible.
Don't forget to put them away from noisy places.
Other than that, make sure that you provide her protein rich foods, plenty of water and enough substrates too.
If cleaning their cages is really unavoidable, be certain that you do not touch the nest.
To be sure that the newborn pups are going to be safe, do not touch them during their first few weeks of living.
The hamster mothers will either abandon or eat them all once they cannot recognize the scents of their young anymore.
Keep in mind that it's only safe to touch the baby hamsters 2 weeks after they are born.
Always remember to be extra cautious in touching the baby hamsters after 2 weeks as some mothers still tend to be very sensitive towards the act.
If you see that the mother hamster is not comfortable once you try to hold the babies, just don't move the newborn pups out of their cage.
Separate them from the mothers by sexes once you feel that they're ready to be weaned.
Once the baby hamsters have already grown for almost a month, you may start looking for people who would be able to take care of these little creatures properly.
It's not that complicated to breed hamsters as long as you are aware of the common mistakes that you can avoid.
Researching all the necessary information about breeding hamsters is also a must if you want to become one of the best hamster breeders today.
Try to learn every detail about hamster breeding so you can produce healthy hamsters.

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