A ball is thrown up into the air. Later it lands on the ground. Similarly, other objects flung into the air will naturally land on the ground. The cause in these instances yield the same effects. It is infallible. Deductions are made from such phenomena. A law is formulated for such incidents - the law of gravity. Science defines gravity as the force which pulls things to the earth. In other words, it causes things to fall to the ground.
The system of thinking known as the 'scientific method' is utilised by us all in our everyday lives. There are three levels to it. Firstly, we observe the facts. Secondly, we form a hypothesis to explain the facts. Thirdly, we test the hypothesis exhaustively to determine the truth. Such is the scientist's way of seeking the truth.
Surely such laws do exist in the spiritual world too. We will call them spiritual laws. The certainty of such laws is as real as scientific laws promulgated by scientists. Spiritual laws carry the authority of the divine. The observance of these spiritual laws brings bliss, happiness and peace to the one who practises them. The violation of them brings misery, sadness and upheaval.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What actions we take in life have far reaching consequences that will definitely come to fruition. It is important we practise good actions to reap benefits not only in this life but also in the afterlife. It is like storing treasures in heaven. Bad actions will yield bad consequences. Emerson, the famous American essayist aptly put it in these words, 'For the effect already blooms in the cause, the end pre-exists in the means, the fruit in the seed ......'
Man tends to rationalise his actions. He gives plausible excuses for his wrong conduct and thinking. By self-justification, he perpetrates the most heinous actions on others to accept his views or opinions. The saying, 'My conscience is clear.' is widely used by this group of people. They will stop at nothing to realise their ambitions. They cause serious harm to the society that they live in.
In Asia, this group of people resort to witchcraft and black magic to oppress or even kill others. They commit all sorts of infractions in the spiritual world to 'teach' the other person/persons a lesson. Individuals and families are uprooted from their daily lives by their actions. There is no such thing as compassion in their vocabulary for the simple reason that their actions go unnoticed by others. Yet they fail to realise that they don't go unnoticed by the divine. Their biggest blunder is not knowing the effects of their actions on themselves. 'As you sow, so shall you reap.' There is a price to be paid for our actions and it can get costly for those who break these spiritual laws. 'They know not what they do.' They bring terrible evil and misfortune upon themselves when the dark forces that they have unleashed on others return to them with double the force. It is then that they will realise their folly but it will be too late to reverse the situation.
Evil entities owe no allegiance to whom they serve. This may be a truth hard to swallow for practitioners of black magic and witchcraft. But it is a fact known only to enlightened souls in this field. Evil entities may be seen to serve willingly and blindly to the biddings of their evil masters. That is just a charade put up by the demons to mislead their foolish masters. When the fruit ripens, the demons strike their foolish masters with ferocity and unimaginable cruelty. The situation reverses. These masters end up as slaves for all eternity to these demons. The demons then assume the role of lords and have these new 'recruits' commit evil onto the world and its inhabitants. The vicious cycle widens.
Why does evil flourish unchecked at the present moment? The answer is simple - egoism. Man has gone to great lengths to feed his ego. He will stoop so low as to achieve his evil ambitions no matter what the cost. All he needs is an instrument to fulfil his evil ambitions. One of these instruments is witchcraft. Practitioners of witchcraft have penetrated every strata of society with frightening speed. Their services are sought after by politicians, businessmen and the masses. As a result, evil gains strength day by day. Individuals and families are being wrecked by the use of witchcraft.
An ounce of good always counteracts a pound of evil. No matter how powerful evil may seem to be, it is always subservient to the forces of good. When good unleashes its power, it is so devastating that even continents reverberate many times over in its aftermath. Never ever underestimate the power of good. It has the ability to hunt down the forces of evil no matter where they may be hiding. It has the ability to command the forces of evil to undo what they have done. It has the ability to right all the wrongs. It has such tremendous power that even hell and its inhabitants will plead for mercy. The forces of good are GOD's intelligence on earth - always watching and observing the theatrics in the world today.
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The system of thinking known as the 'scientific method' is utilised by us all in our everyday lives. There are three levels to it. Firstly, we observe the facts. Secondly, we form a hypothesis to explain the facts. Thirdly, we test the hypothesis exhaustively to determine the truth. Such is the scientist's way of seeking the truth.
Surely such laws do exist in the spiritual world too. We will call them spiritual laws. The certainty of such laws is as real as scientific laws promulgated by scientists. Spiritual laws carry the authority of the divine. The observance of these spiritual laws brings bliss, happiness and peace to the one who practises them. The violation of them brings misery, sadness and upheaval.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What actions we take in life have far reaching consequences that will definitely come to fruition. It is important we practise good actions to reap benefits not only in this life but also in the afterlife. It is like storing treasures in heaven. Bad actions will yield bad consequences. Emerson, the famous American essayist aptly put it in these words, 'For the effect already blooms in the cause, the end pre-exists in the means, the fruit in the seed ......'
Man tends to rationalise his actions. He gives plausible excuses for his wrong conduct and thinking. By self-justification, he perpetrates the most heinous actions on others to accept his views or opinions. The saying, 'My conscience is clear.' is widely used by this group of people. They will stop at nothing to realise their ambitions. They cause serious harm to the society that they live in.
In Asia, this group of people resort to witchcraft and black magic to oppress or even kill others. They commit all sorts of infractions in the spiritual world to 'teach' the other person/persons a lesson. Individuals and families are uprooted from their daily lives by their actions. There is no such thing as compassion in their vocabulary for the simple reason that their actions go unnoticed by others. Yet they fail to realise that they don't go unnoticed by the divine. Their biggest blunder is not knowing the effects of their actions on themselves. 'As you sow, so shall you reap.' There is a price to be paid for our actions and it can get costly for those who break these spiritual laws. 'They know not what they do.' They bring terrible evil and misfortune upon themselves when the dark forces that they have unleashed on others return to them with double the force. It is then that they will realise their folly but it will be too late to reverse the situation.
Evil entities owe no allegiance to whom they serve. This may be a truth hard to swallow for practitioners of black magic and witchcraft. But it is a fact known only to enlightened souls in this field. Evil entities may be seen to serve willingly and blindly to the biddings of their evil masters. That is just a charade put up by the demons to mislead their foolish masters. When the fruit ripens, the demons strike their foolish masters with ferocity and unimaginable cruelty. The situation reverses. These masters end up as slaves for all eternity to these demons. The demons then assume the role of lords and have these new 'recruits' commit evil onto the world and its inhabitants. The vicious cycle widens.
Why does evil flourish unchecked at the present moment? The answer is simple - egoism. Man has gone to great lengths to feed his ego. He will stoop so low as to achieve his evil ambitions no matter what the cost. All he needs is an instrument to fulfil his evil ambitions. One of these instruments is witchcraft. Practitioners of witchcraft have penetrated every strata of society with frightening speed. Their services are sought after by politicians, businessmen and the masses. As a result, evil gains strength day by day. Individuals and families are being wrecked by the use of witchcraft.
An ounce of good always counteracts a pound of evil. No matter how powerful evil may seem to be, it is always subservient to the forces of good. When good unleashes its power, it is so devastating that even continents reverberate many times over in its aftermath. Never ever underestimate the power of good. It has the ability to hunt down the forces of evil no matter where they may be hiding. It has the ability to command the forces of evil to undo what they have done. It has the ability to right all the wrongs. It has such tremendous power that even hell and its inhabitants will plead for mercy. The forces of good are GOD's intelligence on earth - always watching and observing the theatrics in the world today.
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