Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cancer Medical Reference

Cancer Medical Reference

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Medical ReferenceRelated to Cancer

  1. Prostate Cancer: Tips for Family and Friends

    Know someone with prostate cancer? WebMD provides tips for providing support the person needs from family and friends.
  2. Prostate Cancer: The Basics

    Learn more from WebMD about the basics of prostate cancer, including causes, risk factors, and survival rates.
  3. Prostate Cancer: Radiation Therapy

    WebMD explains the use of radiation therapy for prostate cancer, including internal and external radiation therapy, how radiation therapy is performed, side effects, risks, and more.
  4. Tips for Managing Chemotherapy Side Effects

    WebMD looks at ways to help manage side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting.
  5. Prostate Cancer: Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

    WebMD explains the three different types prostate disease, including prostate cancer, and their symptoms.
  6. Prostate Cancer: Osteoporosis Due to Hormone Therapy

    Hormone therapy used in the treatment of prostate cancer may raise the risk of osteoporosis. Here are tips from WebMD to slow or prevent bone thinning.
  7. Saw Palmetto

    WebMD takes a look at the herb saw palmetto, often promoted as a treatment for prostate problems.
  8. Prostate Cancer: Resources

    WebMD provides a list of prostate cancer resources to learn about research, new drugs, clinical trials, and more.
  9. Prostate Cancer: Radioactive Seed Implants

    WebMD describes how radioactive seed implants, a form of radiation therapy, is used to treat prostate cancer. Learn about the procedure, side effects, and risks of brachytherapy.
  10. Prostate Cancer: Prostate Ultrasound and Biopsy

    Learn more from WebMD about the use of ultrasound and the performance of a biopsy to evaluate prostate cancer.

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