What Are Core Values in the Marines?
- The importance of Marine Corps core values has been incorporated into U.S. Marine service since its inception in 1775. The words honor, courage and commitment describe the ideals and goals of a Marine, as an individual and as a team, because this is the core code of behavior. It's this code of behavior that the Marine Corps feels makes it unique because to do otherwise would be letting their fellow Marines, family and the nation down. By living by these core values, Marines believe it ties into their core philosophy of the Marine culture of strength. This philosophy is that Marines make Marines, body, mind and spirit.
- The Marine Corps embraces honor as one of its essential core values because Marines believe that they must possess the highest standard of gallantry and excellence by demonstrating integrity. This conduct is shown by engaging in behavior which demonstrates adherence to what is right, legal and ethical. Adherence to honor means that a Marine should never lie, cheat or steal. A Marine engages in this conduct by displaying overt honesty in both word and action.
- To be a Marine is to show the core value of courage by facing danger, enduring hardship and resisting any and all opposition. Therefore it's valor that a Marine demonstrates with determination and boldness that allows him to face any potential danger in battle. This inner courage is developed due in part to a daily commitment to excellence in any and all actions in his life that will lead to his patriotic defense of the United States.
- When a Marine embraces the core value of commitment it means that she has made a pledge to be selfless, competent and driven by excellence to complete the goal by all worthy means. A Marine is trained to support the spiritual heritage of the United States. Marines believe that this support allows for maintenance of spiritual health and growth necessary as a source of strength required for success in battle and to endure hardship. Marine commitment is also based on support for the U.S. Constitution and the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness endowed to all people, by God.